Sunday 18 August 2013

Try 'n hold me back.

"I'll fucken' punch you."
- Leon Le to Jack Nguyen, wait, pretty much anyone to Jack Nguyen after spending more than 30 minutes with him.

Been going out for coffee more and more often these days, today was no exception only this time I was accompanied by Hoc, Leon, Jack and Trung Duong (TD for short) It was certainly more lively than what I was used to and that's always nice. We all saw Nataliee there as well, she even took my order which surprised me, I think at some point we tried to converse with her only to fail which is to be expected I guess, don't really know what happened there. Whenever I'm around Hoc, he usually comes up with these ridiculous ideas that no one would've otherwise thought up of, it's not strange that he does this but it is strange that we somehow always end up doing the things he suggests, almost out of no where he says "wanna go to the markets after this?" and like the sheep we all are, said "okay" then, while we're at the markets he asks "wanna go DFO now?" and so we did. I don't know why but I think there's a vibe of security around him, like a natural leader, even if he leads us to stupid shit, he seems so cool about it :L

I had this strange thought today, it wasn't so much of a thought than it was one of those moments where you're all like "if I did this, and then this happened, I would be in so much shit.... better not do that." Imagine this if you will: I just got home from DFO and got out of the shower, I had no shirt so I put on a jumper and in that jumper was a 5 cent coin I recall Leon giving to me while we were on or way to a toilet to chuck a piss, I don't know why but I put the coin in between my lips and laid on my bed facing my TV then I thought "dude, if I sneezed right now and the coin flew out of my mouth and into my TV, I would be in so much shit, better get off my bed and put this coin away." which was completely insane to me, that I even thought of something like that, the chances of that happening are so slim to begin with. I don't know, I thought that was something worth recording. People are fucked up, hopefully, it's just me.

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