Friday 30 August 2013

Sweet nothing.

"You know what I just realized ?
my shoulders are fucking huge!"
- Dante Le, halfway through a set.

Wonder when I'm going to get the "okay" to go for my P's. This wait feels even longer than the one before it, I really hope it doesn't get sent back again, that would like, totally suck and stuff.

I received a text from Elita saying she hungry, well not word for word but it was along those lines, hold up, I'll see what she actually texted, I'm not even sure anymore.... Here it is "Oh hey Kevin pho this weekend?" I wasn't anywhere close :L I remember I owed her lunch from way back when and it was a pleasant surprise to have an opportunity like this sneak up on me. Of course, I don't expect this to actually happen but the thought alone was pretty satisfying, that is, until this weekend goes by and it doesn't happen but I guess I can only see how it'll play out.

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