Tuesday 6 August 2013


"Why do songs that have to do with nothing but sex sound so good ?"
- Kevin Le

Opened my eyes with my phone to my face, had an alarm for today, it's a certain someone's special day and this phone is pretty old so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I punched in the date, must've been a pretty good reason why it's so secretive but I know where that person's coming from so I suppose I'll feign ignorance and be about my business. Looking back now, I'm glad I went through that little phase and I'm also glad that it didn't go any further than it could've and I guess I have Dante to thank for that. High school life is really something else, I don't think there's anything else in the world that can make you that vulnerable to certain emotions but knowing you left whilst staying intact after all that bullshit is really something to be proud of. goddamn I'm good and you are, too. We're so awesome.

Leon now lives down the road from my house and because of this, I am able to participate in events a little more often, regardless if I want to go or not :L Looks like the guys are trying to play sports at Springfield every Tuesday, seems like a fun little challenge they set for themselves but I don't know how long they'll stick to their word, this wasn't the first time they said something similar, that being said, it was apparent today that we're all improving and become a lot more fitter than when we first started, which is a given but it's a lot more difficult than it sounds. We all left with smiles and woke up with them and that's how it should stay, for like, ever.

Sleep deliciously, mate.

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