Saturday 31 August 2013

Swim good.

"U lucky i shit."
- Kiet Nguyen, what ? don't believe me ? click here then, punk.

Isabel comes back from Sydney today, all that means is that Dante will be round less which isn't really a loss for me as it is a gain for him. Dante looked so happy when she was gone, I know it's a short term thing and I bet he was happy as the day is short when she came back but I guess he needed that. Was given the chance to talk to Isabel for a bit, we didn't say much, just asked how was her trip and what she's been up to, I don't really care but if I were to behave how I normally would, I have the feeling she would be offended and that would just cause all kinds of shit to smack the fan. Even after all the lack of communication she still intended to bring me back a gift, made me tear up, she didn't but it was the thought. I got to stop talking about Dante, sounds like I got a real bad brother complex. I think it's just that I have nothing else to talk about :L

Trying to get into modern jazz and listening to dat Frank Ocean again.