Wednesday 28 August 2013

Summertime sadness.

"If you don't know; shut up."
- Dante Le, which was then followed by a list of people know don't know and don't shut up.

This "coffee in the morning" thing is starting to become a thing. I woke up to Kiet and Hoc outside my house waiting for me to get the fuck up and get our caffeine on. I swear the insurmountable will power required to get up in the morning is gradually fading  away since it's been something I look forward to, really wished I started this sooner. The rest of the morning was spent going to the wreckers and looking for parts for Hoc's beat up car, an experience that was enjoyable as it was tiring. Cars are complicated, I'm sure it won't take much to learn the anatomy of a car but like with most things, you just gotta find the right push :L grease and dirt, we all went back to my place where we'd exchange music libraries until Hoc had to go Uni. 

I don't recall much of the afternoon aside from Hoa and I napping together, (he was on the bed and I was on the equally comfortable couch in my room) I had opened the windows and curtains, I've never seen nor felt so much light and wind in my room, the fan was still on and with wind blowing from every direction, I felt like I was on a cloud. Shit was therapeutic as fuck. I guess it was from all that searching for car parts in the heat  for hours that made it feel so rewarding, it really is the little things, man.

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