Wednesday 7 August 2013

Kings & queens.

"What are you doing here ?" 
-Nataliee Nguyen

Holy shit, do I have a story for you.
So there's this girl I knew practically my whole life by the name of "Nataliee Nguyen". We rarely spoke and when we did it was for like, 10 minutes max, which is fine, I respect everyone's decisions, anyway, our relationship was more or less the same from primary all the way to high school graduation which was like, 3 years ago. For a long time, no one has heard height nor hair of this chick until today. That's right, she is in fact, still alive.

A mate wanted to go have coffee at the Zarraffa's Coffee cafe that opened up at Richlands at like, 6am and I was all like "okay" so I picked him up at 6am and away we went, we ordered our respective coffees and waited at the front counter for them and there she was, in a room on the far left, we exchanged looks and waves which is understandable since she's in the company of her co-workers and maybe a boss, I don't know, he looked like a douche so I assume he was her boss anyway. We thought nothing of it and just took our coffees (I had a caramel slice as well hehehe) and sat outside where we could see the sunrise. It was an awesome morning. About 30 minutes after we ordered our coffees, Nataliee went outside to clean the tables, I figured we shouldn't talk since she's working but she's here, outside, in front of us and I shit you not, the very first thing I hear from her lips in 3-4 years were "What are you doing here ?" *with an emphasis on the first syllable in the word "doing"* and my initial reaction and response was "we're drinking coffee..." and then she left. It wasn't until she left that I just realized what the fuck just happened.

I had not seen her in 3 years, but at the same time, I've known her my entire life. You'd think there'd be more of a conversation but this shit wasn't an anime or a movie of any sort. I want you to think about that situation. She's a worker, I'm a customer, we're at a fucking cafe for fuck's sake and she asks "What are you doing here ?". If you're able to comprehend that, then props to you, you must be a god of some sort but godddamnnnnnnnnn what the fuckkkk justtt happennneededded ??? W??!?"SMFKNAHg;l. I literally spent the next hour just sitting there and kept replaying the event in my head again and again with each reaction more violent than the one before it. I still can't get over it. I've never smacked my palm against my face that hard before. Just, wow. I'm certain that this ruined my a good chunk of what would've been an awesome morning, just wow, Nataliee, you're amazing.

Sleep deliciously, guys, cause I know I won't.


  1. Hehe nice post. Made me giggle to your reaction

  2. At your reaction*

    Loool. Was too early for me
