Friday 23 August 2013

Secrets of time.

"Life is good."
- Hoa Nguyen, when asked for quote.

If you've been wondering, the heading .gifs I've been putting on posts are from a short animated movie called "The Garden of Words" It's basically an anime with an extremely high budget and rich story, well I think so, that being said, I'm no movie critic. It's only 45 minutes, shouldn't take too much of your time :L 

I caught myself seeking acknowledgement recently. I'd brag about my achievements but I only do this to Dante :L Amazingly enough, he would responds with "nice, that's impressive, bro" or something else that's similarly positive and it boosts the fuck out of my ego. I think I see him in more of a father-figure than an actual brother, I don't recall much of my relationship with my dad so I don't know if I can even compare the two but family come in all kinds of shapes and sizes so I can't be that far off.

Oh yeah.

Really wished I took a "before" picture before I went through with the little change. I had a $10 IKEA table that I completely murdered to make that shoddy platform for my TV making enough space for my laptop screen to be of actual use instead of being cooped up in a corner. Wonder what I'll think up next ..


  1. When I clicked on the title of the movie, IT OPENED UP IN MA TORRENT. DID YOU LEAVE THAT THERE YOU SWEET HUMAN BEING?

