Sunday 4 August 2013


- Kevin Le

Jack called me up saying he wanted Subway and what a strange coincidence that I, also wanted something delicious in my mouth and so off we went. I'm still amazed how convenient cars are, man. I literally have the freedom to go to WHERE EVER I please, I could very well wake up one day and go "you know, I want to make a 10ft snowman, with a sick 'stache" and just hop in the car and drive to the direction that feels the coldest, and the coolest thing about it is that there will be someone I know who would be all like "yeah, fuck it, let's make snowmen." and that is pretty cool.

Today, I was asked "why do you gym?" and I thought about it long and hard (hehe) and in all honesty, the reason why I even bother with the gym and do what Dante tells me to do is pretty simple and yet, really, really stupid but here goes. The reason I go to the gym, is because of the slight possibility of a zombie apocalypse, and yes, I'm dead serious.  You might all think I'm crazy now and I don't blame you but if you find yourself unable to outrun a zombie then don't say I didn't tell you so cause I totally told you so. These movies and animes have gotten me too skeptical of shit that might not even happen :L 

There're so much more I can write about but it feels like it's on the tip of my brain's theoretical tongue and it's slowly slipping away and I don't like that, I might really have to bring around a notepad or something. 

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