Thursday 29 August 2013


"You know what I just realized ?
My chest is fucking huge!"
- Dante Le, half way through a set.

Kinda noticed I've been quoting Dante a lot but aside from Andy, I think he's the only one I'm around on a daily basis, even if it is only for 10-20 minutes a day, there's always something he says that either sticks or make me laugh :L

Today was probably my first serious chest day with Dante, left me absolutely destroyed but why else would you go to a gym ? I got some big plans for my body over the next few months, I just hope I will go through with it, let's see how far my will power will actually take me. We're usually all talk in order to set of piece of mind in place so when a guy is talking himself up, please don't take it the wrong way, I think it's just our little way of making us live to what we set ourselves up for but I can hardly blame you if you just think we're a bunch of cocky ass douchebags with nothing else to do, we're used to that speculation, well, I am, can't speak for others.

Some of the guys and myself had a little get-together for my mate Teddy who is leaving for America a few days and today was the only time a majority of us were free, it didn't feel like a going away party as it felt more like one of those things you throw on a whim and just luck it out to how it was going to end up. He looked like he enjoyed himself which would make anyone happy. Also, I got to meet a dude that was a billion feet tall that goes by the name "David" but let's be honest, he should be more known as "Goliath", also won 5 bucks of him, people should know better than to bet against me hehehehe.

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