Monday 19 August 2013


Don't have a quote today, which is weird because usually there's a line I hear throughout the day that sticks to me. Spent most of my day with Dante and his friend Ellie, we ran errands, went to gym, went to Nando's among other things. I noticed that I don't really talk to Ellie and her little group, I think it's because I don't want to associate myself with a group Dante is accustomed to; like, I refrain from talking in fear that I'll get to know them and then in turn, know more about Dante. That might sound strange but I feel the less I know about a person, the closer I am to them. I talk to Dante maybe 10-15 minutes every 2 days and he's the first dude I go to when I need something that needs done that I know I can't do alone. I can talk to people for ages, it's just what we talk about that I take into consideration, I know too many people who like to say "we're so close" and I'm all like "bitch, I know nothing about you." because I know that their perception of close isn't exactly the same as mine but they insist that we're "besties" whatever the fuck that means. Maybe I'm thinking too much into this, maybe I'm scared for no real reason, maybe it's Maybelline.

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