Friday 16 August 2013

Red planet.

"Now, if I were a pair of tweezers in Kevin's room, where would I be ?"
- Dante Le, looking for tweezers in my room. They weren't even in my room, 
they were in his, that rehab.

There were always more than one side to every story, wasn't there ? some people think there's two but I remember Dante telling me something in high school along the lines of  "There's always three sides to every story, shut up until you know all three." and I wasn't sure if he meant that you should just always shut up seeing as it'd be impossible to know the third story or that he was being literal, I still don't. Sometimes I can't tell if Dante is really stupid or absurdly clever, he's probably both seeing as he often calls me over to his room to see if he spelled a certain word correctly, I think he holds me in a higher regard than I deserve :L

I was told another side of a story of an event that happened years ago, understanding now is nice and all but it still doesn't change anything, makes me kinda wish I never knew. I also started to understand a little more of the people I'm around, things I could live easier without knowing but I guess things like that are inevitable. I don't view them any differently, because I know there's that side of a story that's yet to be brought to my attention but understanding this side makes me feel a little uneasy. Ahh, the risks of leaving the house to talk to people is a high one. Sleep deliciously, derelah

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