Tuesday 13 August 2013

Spring breeze.

"I feel really sick today."
- Leon Le when asked for a quote

Woke up at 6am which is an odd time to wake up for me. Since it's a public holiday today, Andy took this chance to sleep in my room and even though he said he'd sleep on the couch, I woke up to find him on the bed and me on the couch, I don't even know how that happened, so I drew a penis on his face, I took a photo but it's on his phone :L 

Dante was also home, he intended to sleep on the bed with Andy but I guess he forgot how loud he snores and so he went back into his room. Can't remember the last time he slept at home, it was weird as seeing him the next morning, I'm sure he felt the same hahaha brothers are something else, aye, such a unique relationship when compared to say, a father and son. I often wondered what it'd be like to have a little sister and I'm sure those with little sisters would wonder what it's like to have a little brother

Missed out on a few things today, I thought I'd be a little more depressed but it's just gotten to the point where I rather be focused on what I'm doing at that moment rather than wondering what it would be like had I gone to D-Block and S-te-Fan or sports with the guys but instead, I spent my night experiencing dinner from a vegan's perspective at my mate's house in Forest Lake, it's more bearable than you'd think to be honest. It felt good to talk to those guys again, I guess that's why I don't feel any remorse from missing out on what could've been the craziest hardstyle night on my life, but hey, what can you do ?

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