Monday 12 August 2013

Before dawn.

"I don't understand, I'm sorry. Why are you doing this to me ?"
- Alex Dang when asked for a quote

Spent the last 8 hours or so talking to Leon and Alex. These allnight sessions have become more and more frequent, I remember as soon as high school finished, it was nearly impossible to keep my eyes open after 11, I convinced myself that I was just getting old but 18 was no year to be thinking about that :L My sleeping pattern is a tad fucked up but because of this, I've been able to catch up (I say catch up but really, we don't talk about anything) with some of the guys, which is awesome and all when they're not talking about games.
I don't know if it's because I stay up late that I talk to them or if I talk to them that makes me stay up late anymore.

Alex had heard of a movie that was quite fucked up and being the idiot I am, suggested it might be a cool idea to watch it together in our respective homes and listen to each other's reaction, which sounds cool IF it were any other movie. When someone proposes you watch a movie called "Augest Underground Mordum" or anything that resembles that title, don't. That's just my advice to you and because of this movie, I will not be able to sleep deliciously but I hope you will.

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