Thursday 22 August 2013

Click clack away.

"I always found these sort of gang mentalities as being something you would cling to when you are young. You don't know who you are, so you grab this ready made personality and wear it with others. But then you end up being molded by this personality you are wearing, instead of the other way around, and you become someone you didn't really understand to begin with and now you have no other reference point to figure yourself out with."
- Kiet Nguyen, when asked for a quote. das some deep shit.

My logbook was sent back, I assume it was because of all the signatures I forgot to put down, how careless, not only that, I left my phone at DFO on Sunday and that means that today was a very productive day. I went out for coffee with Jack and Leon in the morning then got home so that Lam could take me to DFO then the post office, I'm still amazed he did, I only asked him on a whim and I got this pleasant yet unexpected reply. I wonder how he can be such a good guy but at the same time, he can the biggest dick you know, with his little pranks and whatnot, strangely enough though, his pranks never affect me, I think he's gay and wants my dick, got to let him down gently on this one, don't want to destroy what we already have, you know? I got my phone and re-sent my logbook then went to mumsie's place to pick up some tools, I'd post a picture of what changed but I think I'll save that for tomorrow, need dat lighting.

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