Thursday 8 August 2013

Save the world tonight.

"What the fuck are you guys doing ?"
- Dante Le

Lam and I had this idea to clean our cars for about a week and I never thought it would happen because that's how low my expectations are when it comes to predetermined events but there was that little bit of me that actually wanted it to happen since Betty was pretty dirty.

I stayed up til 12pm and had a 2 hour nap, woken up by Jack and Leon. We kinda just bummed around in my room and kicked back while waiting for Lam to do whatever it was he was doing. Cleaning cars is a lot less work than I thought it was, we got through 3 cars in about an hour and a half to 2 hours, albeit, it might of not been a good job but good enough to look gorgeous in a photo :L I heard the boys went out to watch a movie shortly after they left my "carwash" and me being the introvert I am, didn't join them due to my irrational dislike of the theaters, or just outside and people in general so I stayed home, helping Dante get ready for his dinner plans (lent him my bowtie and belt from Hong's (Y)) and I must say, he looks dashing, fucking nothing like me at all, I honestly think we're not blood related regardless of what people say.

There was nothing going on the meta side of my day as far as I'm concerned, maybe there was, I just don't remember it at the moment. Huh, shame that.


  1. Replies
    1. hahaha no I didn't. Logbook is still waiting approval, I just put them on because I felt left out when the picture was about to be taken :L
