Sunday 25 August 2013

I lay my head.

"Life is a like a bath, the longer you're in there, the wrinklier you get."
-  Dante Le, when asked for a quote. Truer words have never been spoken. DEEP

Today was nice. Woke up and picked up Jack and Hoc for morning coffee then I pretty much went with the flow from then on. I don't know how but after coffee we ended up at the markets then to Corinda driving range where we met up with Jack and Max Hogan then from there, I found myself at Hogan's house, that guy is as hospitable as ever :L I can sort of understand why though, he might not remember, but there was a time he got drunk at my house and I had to go elbow deep in his vomit to unclog the bathroom sink, never really looked at my bathroom the same way again after that :L but I like to think regardless if he remembers or not, he'd be the same :L 

I got home to an invitation from Hong to go to the markets with her and Lynn which would've been awesome had I not already had plans, shame that. I can see myself having a good time with that clique but shit, first come, first served I always say, I don't really say that, I think it though.

It was a tiring day now that I think about it, definitely chill, nothing quite like being in the company of your mates at a golf range where you show each other how bad you are at golf and spend the entire time laughing at each other. Peaceful as fuck.

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