Saturday 17 August 2013

Make it mine.

"Be great."
-Tai Pham when asked for a quote.

I've been sleeping at like 6-7pm and waking up at around 1-2am, I had intended to fix my sleeping pattern but this is just ridiculous. Waking up at such an hour is a strange experience, there literally shit all to do and because it's a weekend, I can't make too much noise just in case I wake up Andy but to be honest, I forget he's there and do what I'd do even if he wasn't here. I don't think to check online to see if anyone else is a wake because it's only normal to assume that there isn't anyone, so, with that in mind, I just sit there, with an old anime episode on replay, hoping the noise of idle chatter will bore me enough to make me sleepy again and for the first time, it didn't work. It felt like days, waiting for people to wake up just so I can listen to them talk about stuff, strange huh ? even stranger that when I did check online, there were people who were talking at like 12am so I actually didn't have to sit there and wait for what felt like days. They say truth is stranger than fiction and just for the night, I'm inclined to agree.

nigga, that shit is whack.

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