Sunday 11 August 2013

All gone.

"What the fuck am I doing ?" 
- Kevin Le as he sat in the passenger seat when he was supposed to drive home. Goddamnit, Kevin.

I've got nothing aye. I've been thinking about Nataliee a lot these past few days, about how the next time I see her at work, I'd throw sugar packets at her and write disturbing, detailed messages via Zaraffa napkins and just stare at her until she cries, I don't dislike her or anything, that's just what I would do to anyone who's been purposely avoiding me, I don't know, something about making people uncomfortable makes me feel like it would help them step out of their comfort zone, only when I'm there, I've been doing this for as long as I remember :L I can't say it works though but hey, anything is worth giving a shot and who knows, I might strike lucky one day although I can't say it would be for the best for said person if he/she were to suddenly open up to everyone.

I haven't been to the Ekka in about 9 years, well, except that time I went with Tiffany in high school, don't think that counts since I was only there for security reasons which isn't really ideal when you want to have fun. All these kids and their showbags, masks and costumes are making me jealous but then I remember that it's like $28 per person and $8-$10 to go for a ride then I'm happy again.

You know, come to think of it, I was used quite a bit in high school. I'm sure we all know people who come to you only when they need something and use words like "trust" and "close" to convince you otherwise and the gayest thing about that, is that it fucking works and you're left, years later to realize how much of a tool you really are/were and you're also left wit the realization that you're not about to change anytime soon. I kinda like it :L

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