Tuesday 27 August 2013


"You're cute."
- Dat pretty asian receptionist at Inala to me. BOOYAHKASHA!

I sat through a test to get my RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol or-something-or-rather) license a few weeks ago and was asked to come in to a JSP (Job Service Provider or-something-or-rather) to see my results, needless to say, I passed *whew* and was not only complimented by the receptionist, but also by the dude that asked me to come in. He told me I'm muscular and you can only imagine what words like that could do to a person like me, I honestly felt like I owned Inala. They told me I'll be coming back sometime this week to finalize some paper work and be given my license. I don't know why but I've always wanted to work in a bottle shop, something tells me that it's a chill job with sociable people which is something I can see myself in a work-related environment.

Even with knowledge of Hoc's accident, I ended up at Inala then to Skylark in Betty, I figured I'd visit Mumsies at work after my appointment and so I did, she was not impressed :L got yelled at then drove home. I'm lucky to have a worried mother but I guess that doesn't mean I should go around and do shit she worries about, aye ? 

Bumped into Lam and Teresa, I'm glad they're doing okay, this has nothing to do with the post, it's just something I think future me would like to be reminded of.

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