Saturday 3 August 2013


A few weeks ago, I kinda lashed out at one of Andy's friends which in turn, caused him to not only lose said friend but another one on top of that, in hindsight, not a smart move, Kevin but at the time, it felt like it I had to point out that Andy's friends are assholes and he somewhat agreed but I can't take his word since it might be him being the younger brother. This morning, I woke up to him playing with another friend in the living room, Anthony Dang (Alex Dang's little brother) and I felt somewhat relieved, I don't think it's because he's found someone he can leave his little shell for but rather his outward portrayal of ignorance, it was almost as if he never knew them from the start, which might be true, too.

There're days where I just post shit and specks about my day and there are days when I post things like this, there're always things that trouble me, it's just my choice if I want to acknowledge them, just like everyone else only I seem to be a little more lax about they whole "stress" thing. I just made Andy lose 2 links he might not ever get back and whether they were for the best or not, I'll never know now. 

Sleep deliciously my little lemon drops.

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