Saturday 24 August 2013

Two wheels.

"power, power, power, power, power, power, power, power"
- Kevin Le, all day, everyday.

Kiet fancied some coffee this morning, his attempts to get other to join us went to shit so it was just me and him, not complaining, I could spend my day with pretty much anyone as long as they don't mind my bluntness :L I don't recall what we were talking about but we talked for quite awhile but time went by so slowly, guess it had to do with the feel of the place, they did well to make the cafe so cafe-ish but I guess that's to be expected hahaha. Kiet told me that having coffee was kinda "the calm before the storm" I later learnt that he spent the rest of the day studying, like, 14 hours of that shit, nigga crazy but I guess it happens more than I think for university students. Admirable, definitely. 

I've been a lot more social than I thought myself out to be. I guess it's not that I'm not social, it's just because I don't take the initiative when it comes to outings like Jack and Hoc. I ended spending money and chilling with people I usually don't see which is nice, don't know how they feel about it though :L guess I'll just wing it like I always have, these constant changes is starting to grow on me, even though in high school I pretty much forced myself not to change but I think that's a phase we all go through.

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