Saturday 30 November 2013

Pound cake.

"Yo, do you want some passion fruit juice?"
- Kiet Nguyen, out of fucking no where.

Opened the door for Dante early morning then took that chance to get some coffee, that was dope, nothing quite wakes you up like the early morning cold that shrivels your balls, that just doesn't go away man, especially when it happens in like, 2 seconds. Coffee didn't really help in the grand scale of things, I ended up going to bed again and woke up to Kiet, delivering frozen packets of passion fruit juice, yeah, I'm just as lost as you are but hey, when life gives you lemons, right? We walked to Tai's crib to get him in on some of this passion fruit swag but he was at work and his mumsies accepted in his place. 

Pretty much spent the afternoon watching anime with Kiet whilst talking about random shit, it's the same every time I'm with that guy :L I think it's because we don't have many things in common but the fact that we've known each other since grade 1 is good enough, regardless if his interests are my disinterests. Hahahah after thinking for a while, I'd even go as far as to say that we're pretty much polar opposites :L

Caught Kiet, Anthony Ton and Brandan Than at the gym at like, 9pm and out of no where, that nigga Brandan asked me for an arm wrestle and even though I knew I was gonna get rekt, who could resist an attempt ? A dude saw our wrestle and told me my form was completely off, causing Brandan to have an advantage so next time that nigga challenges me, my body will be ready hehehehehe.

Personal best for unassisted flat dumbbell press is now 40s and mad props to Brandan for being my spot for them 42s. I FINALLY HIT DAT BLACK TIER, SON! 

Pound Cake (Childish Gambino Freestyle Cover) - Drake

Friday 29 November 2013

Over my dead body.

"Every time you say a prayer, and God don't answer, it's because he told yo ass "No.""
- 50 cent

This morning was dope. Woke up, freshened up and got a Skype call from Jack saying Hoc was keen for Ramen so already, I'm the King of Inala. Got picked up and we just sat and ate and then went home, it was awesome and not even an hour later, the lovely Jenny Smith (I don't know her last name so I picked a pretty common last name even though she's clearly not a "Smith", she doesn't look like one but hey, who knows, she might actually be one, in which case, this is completely redundant but then again, everything I post is.) popped by my house while Tai was getting his haircut to give me a packet of chocolate scotch fingers. I assume it's because of my little spiel from the night before so if my predictions are correct; if I whinge about not being able to find a Nissan NSX at the shops in this post, he and Jenny Smith should pop by with the keys to a Nissan NSX before the next one. Ahem, here we go: 

Oh man, I went to like, 4 different streets today and didn't even manage to find a single NSX, what has the world come to ? You'd think such a beautiful car would be every where these days. Oh well, guess I'll stumble upon one day although the chances of that happening are quite low so if only some thoughtful, generous neighbor and his missus would be so nice as to give me one, that'd be great. Shit. Made. My. Day.

My afternoon was pretty dope, too. Bumped into Tai and Jenny Smith again on the way to buy Andy food which had given me a perfect chance to thank them and went home to eventually have a punch up with Denne, Why ? no idea. Did I do it ? you bet your beautifully shaped ass I did. Then I just chilled with Denne and Squishy til they got tired. 

Over My Dead Body -  Drake

Thursday 28 November 2013


"Wanna come skydiving with me? Max and I have a coupon."
- Jack Hogan.

I checked like, 8 different shops, no chocolate scotch fingers, maybe I'm not looking close enough or maybe, maybe they never existed in the first place and I was just tripping balls because when I think about it, they're just simply too good to not be within 5ft of each other everywhere. Wait, nevermind, just googled them, they do indeed, exist. Wow. I am a moron. I can't believe I genuinely thought that was figment of my imagination.

I like to think of myself as a calm and reasonable guy but today, that all went out the window when I found out there was party Dante was going to that had a jumping castle and I wasn't invited, granted, I didn't know anyone that was at that party but that didn't stop me to falling into a deep depression as you could imagine. Who in their right mind would not invite Kevin Le to a party that has a fucking jumping castle ? that being said though, I'd rather not jump into one knowing Dante is in there somewhere, I would like to remain conscious if I could help it, thank you.

I booked an appointment for Andy's Corinda High School enrollment and bumped into Miss Anderson at the office and I instantly thought of Gordon Ramsey, not quite sure why but I did. We caught up until I had to go and even though I've physically changed since high school, she still scares the fuck out of me, It's a real shame, too. If I had met her in any other circumstance then I'm sure I would view her differently in a positive way. First impressions are really, really important.

Chilled with Jack Hogan and a few of his boys because I could and we just bummed, it was nice, it was like for those couple of hours, nothing but us mattered and that's something I totally dig, bro.

Rude - MAGIC!

Wednesday 27 November 2013


"Remember kids; eat your school, stay in drugs and don't do vegetables."
- Alex Dang, talking to a bunch of primary school kids on the bus on the way home from high school, sometime in year 11, I think. Obviously, he didn't come up with the quote, or did he ? honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

Oh bro, I just went out and bought a packet of scotch fingers and literally spent all my free time eating them. THESE FUCKING THINGS ARE SO GOOD, I HEARD THERE'S LIKE,  CHOCOLATE COATED VERSION OF THE SCOTCH FINGER SO I'M GOING TO SPEND MOST OF MY DAY HUNTING THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS DOWN OH GOD, WE'RE GOING ON AN ADVENTURE! I just ate the last one and now I'm sad. Even though it's implied that you should split these things but how can you not eat something that looks like it should have it's own religion whole ?

Oh man, I'm picking out the residue between my teeth with my tongue and it simply makes me want to drench my shirt and boxers with the liquid that lactates from my nipples. 

Explode - Verm

Tuesday 26 November 2013

No diggity.

"Oh god, man, I don't know! you put pressure on me!"
- Kevin Trinh, when asked for a quote.

Izzy is so cool :L Woke up to her screaming my name in my ear and of course the only reasonable thing to do is to scream her name back at her so the house was just an echo-ed relay of "IZZY!!!" and "KEVIN!!!" for longer than I care to admit but it was a good pick-me-up, think I really needed that. What a strange relationship though. 

Decided it was about time to get a haircut so I did just that and found out my barber and I have some mutual friends which was nice, had something different to talk about about than bitches, games and gym while he cuts my hair now, granted, I come to that guy like, 4 times a year so I shouldn't really be complaining anyway. Had some coffee then went gym where I caught a glance of Lien Phan for the first time in 13 years, how I recognized her is beyond me but she was with her boyfriend so I didn't want to interrupt. Was dope seeing such an old face though, makes me miss grade 1.

Went to sports with the boys, the first time in 4 weeks and man have I rusted, I wasn't even good to begin with so you can imagine how bad at everything I am now but hey, that's the point of even going to things like this and even though people will shun you for your poor performance, ultimately, it's those people that help you improve the most, it's a weird little exchange most people take the wrong way but it was dope getting feedback from Oscar, his comments after every fuck up kinda stuck. 

I had just woke up from a nap before going to sports so that left me quite malnourished, dehydrated and extremely hungry so I dropped by maccas on the way home, I was glad that so many people felt the same and we pretty much bummed at Forest Lake maccas with a new mate named Steven Le. 

I feel like I'm drifting from the group a little, well, a little more than I already was. There're too many groups within the groups and it's not that I'm complaining, I just wish there was a statement of some sort, something to follow, like a rule or something. Maybe it's just because I don't like the way things have turned out, pretty selfish of me. Oh well, things will work themselves out in the end. I'll just bum here and play with myself until that happens.

On a completely unrelated note; the fap jar now has hit the triple digits, awww yeeee. It's finally recovering after the impact of 2012.

No Diggity & Thrift Shop (COVER/MASHUP) - Ed Sheeran & The Passenger

Monday 25 November 2013


"Nothing haunts us like the things we don't say."
- Mitch Albom.

Kiet called me in the morning asking where he could buy a pocket knife and that's not even the weird part, the weird part was when I told him exactly where he could get his hands on some pocket knives for real cheap, like $20. That followed another call from Hoc asking if I had a whipper snipper laying about and then that followed waking up to find Betty gone. Naturally, I pooped all over my balls but apparently, Dante took advantage of my comatose-like state early in the morning and coerced my consent of his usage, crazy. 

I never liked asking for favors but I jump at the opportunity to fulfill the ones asked of me, I think it's because I can understand the desperateness of asking for a favor and it's never a good position to be in, odd how that works. Since Dante had left me in my Betty-less situation, I had no means of transport to get Andy food, everyday at 4pm, he would appear by my side out of thin-air and smacks his lips and utter the words "..... I'm hungry." but since Betty was slutting off somewhere, I had to call up Tai and ask to borrow his car and just like that, he handed the keys to me and that was it. I was expecting like a bunch of questions and a group interview but it was quite literally "here you go." I can't believe someone would just do that and not even lose a blink over it. I practically took that dude's means of transportation away from him and he was like "yeah, you did." I could've crashed it, I could've raced stupid teenagers with it, I could've hired a prostitute, killed her and left her in the trunk but he was totally cool with it. Shit was amazing. Went home where Hong gave me step-by-step instructions on how to use a Nintendo Wii which was something I've been meaning to get to anyway so that was dope. Also drove a rape van around my neighborhood, heaps different from your standard car.

Saw, spoke and communicated with a lot of mates today, more than I usually would, must've named at least half a dozen people in this post, had a good variety, it's been a good day. Oh yeah, I applied for a job at an adult store today, oh god, can you imagine ? How great it must be to work in a place like that ? To be honest, the only reason I even applied was for that off-chance that someone I know will walk into the store and buy like an extra large black dildo modeled after the washington monument or something and I'll be right there to serve them :L boy or girl.

Envelopes - Gowe (Gifted on West East)

Sunday 24 November 2013

23 prayers.


When I got home from Teddy's, I didn't really sleep so I just listened to music and drew on Andy til the AM and crashed, really, really hard at around 8am and then I was asked to get some KFC for mumsies' and Andy and just when I planned to not move for an eternity, Denne dropped by to do some boxing which is all well and good, we got to settle some matters while he was here, CDs for his car and whatnot. Something came up and Denne had to suddenly bolt out of here and thus left me to my wonderful slumber but seeing as the sun was right outside my house, it felt like more like a bath than a nap (dat sweat, yo.) so I went out to get a haircut and coffee but as luck would have it, no barbers are open on Sunday, I swear, it's like a conspiracy, like the Devil is making an effort to plant his scrotum up my poophole and props to him cause it's working.

Caramel Fusion was dope though, especially in this heat so I had that going for me and at the end of the day, I think that was all that really mattered. 

23 Prayers - NAK & Elyon Beats

Saturday 23 November 2013

Tic tic.

"I'm gonna pull a prank on Teddy and I want you to help me. I need you to change the date on his phone and computer to yesterday and we're going to try to convince him his own birthday party never happened. You guys are going to call him tomorrow morning at around 10:30am and ask him when is his party starting."
- Teddy Tolentino's step-father. What a fantastic idea.

Tai Pham dropped by after coffee to print out something or rather and seemed really thankful for something so small, like really thankful, a little too thankful. I should watch my back around that guy from now on, I'm pretty sure he's planning to stab me with like, a toy smurf from maccas or something.

Was invited to a birthday party and stayed way longer than I had intended to, I don't think anyone was expecting to be there for as long as they did. It was dope though, real nice family, they had a grandma that put everyone else to shame, alcohol wise and being the testosterone-filled irresponsible boys that we were, we all took a shot regardless if we were driving or not simply because an old lady basically called you a bitch with her eyes if you didn't and she even went as far as taking the shot for you if you refuse which put immense pressure on everyone else. So yeah, drank then drove like, 8 hours later. I was lucky this time and I hope there won't be a "next time".

I've been spending the last 6 hours watching Gordon Ramsey do his thing and for all the screaming and yelling he's known for, he has an amazingly well-kept family and he has a kitchen that would make gay men weep because the pudding looks so beautiful. At first, I thought this was a pretty lame way to spend my time but after thinking about it for a bit, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it :L plus, Gordon Ramsey's a sick cunt. 

TIC TIC - Dumbfoundead & Intuition

Friday 22 November 2013

So fly.

"Ya'll fucking crazy."
- Kevin Le, when I over heard Elvis's mother talking about going a boat cruise for a week and casually saying "it's only $700 a person!"

Was invited to a boat cruise for a week on December the 18th and the most crazy part is I don't even have to pay. What's with rich people ? there should be some sort of limit of generosity but it doesn't seem to be in sight for those guys. I honestly don't know if I should go or not, of course I don't want them to throw around money like that but dude, a fucking week long cruise, on a fucking boat. Ever watch pokemon where Ash and his groups of friends would head to an island and they'd be on a dope ass yacht with a pool, food, ballroom, beds and pokemans ? yeah, that's how I imagined it would be like, only without the pokemans, huh, I think I watch too much pokemans. 

Worked with mumsies' until I had to feed the beast and for some odd reason, Andy had the urge to leave the house and go to Skylark and so I ended up there again until the shop closed, other than the strange unreasonableness of Asian adults everyone but themselves had to deal with, nothing in particular happened.

As of today, my personal best for flat dumb bell press is 38kg 8reps unassisted, I hope I don't slack off again. 

So Fly - Childish Gambino

Thursday 21 November 2013


"I can't wait til I get to do stuff to my car."
- Elvis Bui Nguyen, that Lexus nut.

Mumsies' gave me a call early morning saying my license came in the mail and it's with her at Skylark so in record time, I got there and admired something that looks exactly like my learners license only this one had the little "P1" shit on it. It was awesome. Also bumped into my mates Elvis, David and Alanna Bui Nguyen (They're all related, by the way.) and we pretty much spent the whole day, working, bumming and talking about cars and even though we're not knowledgeable on the subject, it sure felt good to pretend we were :L 

The siblings came over for dinner where Elvis wanted to take photos and since I ran out of pictures to put as my headers on these posts, I got him to send some over, what a shit photographer :L

I haven't chilled with Elvis in ages, I don't even think I've mentioned him once on this blog.... I must have, I just don't remember, probably. Out of all the people I know, I've known this dude the longest and it amazes my how different we are. This nigga bought the Lexus above for his first car and not even a month later, that noonga bought a brand new Triton ute and I was like "what the fuck, bro?" then I remember he's rich as balls and has more money than he does body hair which might be a lot, I don't know, never seen his body but he comes across as a dude who has a lot of body hair so I think this sentence makes sense. 

Oh sweet baby Jesus. Soon.... only my trunk will be black as well.

Youth (Alle Farben Remix) - Daughter

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Big booty bitches.

"hey boo boo, want eat out tonight ? wanna eat mah dick?!"
- Dante Le, on the phone with his girlfriend, I can't make this shit up, guys. He genuinely proposed oral sex through the phone. Shit was funny as fuck.

This morning was dope, granted, I was asleep for most of it but I think that played a large part in why I thought it was so dope. House was a lot more cleaner than usual and my brothers weren't there to fuck it all up so that was really nice of them.

I had received an e-mail containing a voucher code for Domino's and I shit you not, it said "any 3 pizzas, a cheesy garlic bread and a 1.25 liter bottle of coke for $20.95" and I thought there must be something wrong there, they might as well given me a life pass for every all-you-can-eat joint in the world, it was one of those things where you'd contemplate their legitimacy, wondering if it's one of those things where you'd enter some sort of lottery and get hassled with calls from that company for the next 30 or so years. Who could pass up a deal like that ? I put in my order and sure enough, what was waiting for me on the other side of that counter were 3 pizzas, a cheesy garlic bread and a bottle of coke and they took $20.95 from me. I had no idea what to do with the third pizza so I crashed Kiet's house and gave it to him, he looked happy :L shit, anyone would if you gave them an entire pizza and those who say otherwise are fucking liars.

So yeah, my day revolved around this ridiculous voucher deal I got from Dominos. In all honesty, I'm surprised I don't write about pizza as often as I should, as often as everyone should, actually. 

Big Booty Bitches - A Lost People

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Dear professor.

"I feel like ramen, you wanna go eat ramen ?"
- Hoc Vu, love it when someone does that.
Had shit to do, no motivation to do it, that is until I got yelled at but even then it was like "ehhh, alright.

Went to Inala to deal with a few things for my step pappi (for the sake of convenience, I'm gonna call him "Bobby" from now on, since that's the name I gave him when we first met :L) and myself up at Centrelink. It sure gets tiring lying to the government for my parents so they can reap the benefits, "cheating the system" as they would say. I was raised not to lie by mumsies and she tells me to lie almost on a daily basis these days and I guess that's one of the reasons why she thought it'd be best for my to live by myself, I suppose my bringing up her contradictions isn't what she needs, ever but I learnt that lying and not telling the truth are two very, very different things, a lesson that has kept my sanity in tact when dealing with my parents and even though it's not a nice thing to say, I think these kind of things come with every family, I was just unfortunate enough to not know how to deal with it til now.

I started my house duties at around 6pm and the fact that sports was tonight completely flew over my head so missing out on sports sucked giant squirrel genitals but I think leaving my responsibilities aside for another day would've been worse, especially when it was something I set up for myself the day before so despite what other's might say, I think I did a good thing not going tonight. Getting my priorities straight has been something I wanted to get done for a long time and I think this is the first step of many. Shit is gonna be awesome.  

Dear Professor - The Dean's List (now known as "The King's Dead")

Monday 18 November 2013

All I need is your love.

"Go to your room!"
- Andy Le, telling me to go to my room, in my house, in my living room. I admire his balls.

I don't think anything happened today, other than the usual these days which is mainly feeding Andy. I'm starting to feel bad barely doing anything today, guess I'll spend all day cleaning and shopping for things I need around the house tomorrow, as well as that appointment I need to go to in the morning so I guess that will sit well in my mind.

I need to edit most of my past posts as well now that I think about it, it would be nice if there was a theme throughout this blog as I didn't really confirm a content layout until recently so that might take up a good chunk of the day, I'd like to sort out my music more as well. There's a bunch of shit I could do now that I've layed some of them out :L TOMORROW IS GOING TO BE QUITE PRODUCTIVE! I HOPE.

All I Need Is Your Love - Deorro & Adrian Delgado

Sunday 17 November 2013

Distorted love.

"Did Hong just come first ?"
- Kevin Le, Tai Pham and Andy Le in unison.

Woke up to Dante screaming my name, demanding me to let him in and as reluctant as I was, the consequences for not letting him in weren't all that appealing so it was good to still have my manhood in tact when I woke up from my nap later that morning.

Received a letter of challenge from Hong, asking me to duke it out in Mario Kart with her since she was in the area and I thought it would totally suck if Tai didn't get in on this shit so I asked him to play some vidya with us which went well with all of us, at least as far as I was concerned. I also got Andy to play with us which I regret forever because he totally flung his metaphorical feces at us repeatedly with his amazing skills of adaptation but being his older brother, I like to tell him he's full of shit and he should stop cheating. Tai, Hong, Andy and myself went to bum at Tai's house where we proceeded to do fuck all for the rest of the afternoon and as uneventful as that was, I probably could not have asked for a better time :L and as selfish as I am, I hope these kind of days don't stop coming. 

Mumsies' asked me to stop by her shop to do some errands and on the way back, I bought KFC for Andy and watched that dude play Zelda until Tai was all good for some Zaraffa's. Kiet dropped by mid-coffee and we talked shit til we decided to call it day and that pretty much sums up my Sunday. Should've went to the Markets this morning, man. I would pay anything to listen to those 2 jazz improv musicians while munching on some foods again.

Distorted Love - Shook & Ronika

Saturday 16 November 2013


"So like, you wanna go fishing ?"
- Denne Tran, out of the fucking blue as I thought to myself "you know what ? why not ?"

Ever been on both sides of an argument ? That's not what happened but I imagine it would be something similar to it though. When there are people who talk shit about another person, in most cases, I would either defend them or have no input. There's too much unnecessary hate about, it's like the whole "gays are sinners" rubbish as if it even matters, if niggas are happy then shut the fuck up and leave them alone. I say all of this because there has been some gossip about Denne and Squishy, like he's been neglecting his friends but if his friends weren't a bunch of bitches then maybe he wouldn't be but I digress, nothing I say is gonna make a dent it anything. If this does cause some flak then I just hope that flak would be straight forward. I'd rather have no friends than have a bunch of close-minded ones. Whatever happens, happens. 

Denne asked me if I was keen on fishing and even though fishing isn't my thing, I do enjoy the company and the sea cause even as cliche as that sounds, you just can't beat the relentless wind blowing every fucking thing you own away :L Sat in Denne's car with Squishy playing a CD I had made for Betty all ride which was pretty dope if I do say so myself hehehe. I cast my rod and the line ran out so I weeped on some rock until we left, I swear I have the worst luck when it comes to fishing. Oh, if you ever find yourself with a penis and in a windy place with an urge to pee; pee with the wind and not against it, I know this from experience.

Starlight (Zod Bootleg) - Muse

Friday 15 November 2013

Kangaroo league.

"I got to go to the doctors to get a birth certificate later, wanna come?"
Dante Le, to which I accordingly replied with "wat?"

I got a glance at Nataliee when I ordered my coffee this morning and I know she caught a glance at me, too. It was wonderful because I knew she felt uncomfortable with me being there, why else would she ignore me the way she did when we clearly made eye contact ? I did my best to stare at her while I sip on a strawberry latte (not bad, by the way) but it would seem her obliviousness knows no bounds, well, on the outside. I don't dislike her or anything, I'm sure her reasons and circumstances are understandable, I just find it funny how things turned out :L 

I had a sudden craving for Kadoya chicken katsu curry and was moping about for an hour til I realized there was literally nothing stopping me from going there and getting it myself so, much to my own surprise, I did just that and that was single-handedly the most awesomest thing I've done by a mile. The amount of people go there is amazing, they're always in a group or with their significant other, you could imagine how weird it'd be to see one dude by himself surrounded by tables with a minimum of 2 people around them. Even the cashier was like "Sorry for the wait. How many people ?" and when I had to tell her "Just one." she repeated it louder and in a condescending/surprising tone and even though I pay no mind to these kind of things, the amount of people who stare at you for being alone is pretty astonishing. 

I ordered the extra hot curry, you know, the one where you have to pay extra to get ? and after eating all of that, I'm convinced that the holes in the middle of the restaurant chairs were placed there just in case you shit yourself in the food-consuming process. The chairs look like eighth-handed potty chairs passed down from generation to generation from all over the rural provinces of China (even though it's a Japanese joint) and they are designed so that even when you fart, it wouldn't be as bad because there'd be a road for the lonely gas to go. Having the food taste as spicy as the Devil's butthole didn't help either. Japanese people are so thoughtful. 

Kangaroo League (Official Remix) - Capital Cities & Fitz and the Tantrums

Thursday 14 November 2013


"Oh god, everything hurts. Dante, please, make it stop, Andy, get me something to eat and then tuck me into bed, please.
- Kevin Le

I took like, a week off and when I got back to the gym, everything was heavier, my clothes were tighter, my hair looked longer, everything was just a giant mess. My legs got sore almost instantly and now I can't move and I didn't even do half of what I was used to. Who would've thought that a week could do so much ? it almost feels like it's not worth it, if it didn't make me sexy and fit enough to survive a zombie apocalypse then I don't think I would bother aye, LOL, I don't think anyone would bother. Who works out because they love it ? pshh

Oh god, I am not looking forward to when I have to poop, it's the worst to sit down and get back up when your legs hurt and then you got to do things and stuff and it just becomes a massive ordeal. I hope I stop complaining soon, there really isn't much else to do when you're a rotting vegetable that looks like it's already been through some sick dog's intestines, Oh, except Mario Kart, there's been a lot of that lately, Thanks for the loan, Tai. Yoshi is the shit.

Feisty (Blue Satellite Remix) - Jhameel

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Rainy days.

"Not bad, mate. You're still a nub though."
- Dante Le, after telling me to take him to mumsies' house, he hasn't been in the car with me driving ever since my first drive in Betty :L oh god, those were terrible, terrible days.

My boredom probably reached it's peak last night. I drove to Hoc's and Tai's house just to pick up a GameCube controller and Mario Kart for the wii at like, 8pm. I'm lucky to have such easy-going mates. I don't think there'd be many people who would just lend their shit out on a whim like that, especially when it's on such short notice, they seemed busy as well but were all like "fuck it, here you go." to my selfishness. Hahah Hoc was in his underpants.

Speaking of Mario Kart, Dante completely destroyed me in that game, like, left me in go-kart dust, he practically overlapped me and the CPUs, this brotherly-rivalry has been one-sided for far too long, aye. I have yet to find one thing I'm better than him at other than sucking massive balls at everything but even if I do find something I'm better than him at, he wouldn't give me a chance to show him. WHY IS HE SO CLEVER?! HE'S NOT EVEN SMART, I'D EVEN GO AS FAR AS TO SAY HE'S A MORON. I'M LOSING TO A MORON. WHAT DO !? that actually says more about me than it does him :L

This storm doe.

Rainy Days (English/Acoustic) - One Way

Tuesday 12 November 2013


"..... Let's go to space."
- Tony Nguyen, Dante and this guy were seriously discussing price tickets and how much they would need to set aside each week to go to space for a solid 10 minutes while waiting for banh xeo. These guys are too hardcore.

Started the day with some Irish cream latte and a toasted cream chicken guacamole sandwich and accidentally napped there for a good 20 minutes, that must've been so weird for other people :L Imagine an asian kid with his head on the table, snoring at a coffee shop as annoying, repetitive music plays that even makes the workers want to jump out of the drive-thru window and gouge their own eyes out with a kettle that doesn't even belong to them, I don't know where this was headed, I kinda hoped I would find it along the way but it doesn't seem like that'll work this time around.

Dante asked me to get him some banh mi and at the same time, I got a call from Tai saying he needed a lift to Inala, the timing could not have been more perfect :L been asked to do a lot more errands and that's to be expected, I guess. It would totally suck if you told someone to do something for you and he got caught because he doesn't have a license. Still feels odd though :L I have a feeling I'm gonna lose my shit when I get pulled over even though there's nothing really wrong, unless I was speeding or naked or something. I'm kinda looking forward to it :L

Origami - Capital Cities

Monday 11 November 2013

Rise and fall.

"After sitting here and thinking of a quote to no avail, it's safe to say that I don't have a quote for today's post"
- Kevin Le, irony, hardout.

Remember when I said I got my P's a few days ago? I kinda lied. What I meant was that I passed the practical exam but I didn't get my P's until today. I don't like asking for favors but if this favor led to less favors being asked in the future, then I'm all for it. The ever-so-gracious Tai Pham was kind enough to take me to the keys of freedom and now I'm able to rock my P's at my local KFC drive-thru and everyone knows nothing expresses freedom more than that. I had thought my first legal drive would be to get myself a McFlurry or something but I lost my legal-driving virginity to feeding Andy (that sounds very, very wrong) and found myself with those things I don't like.... Responsibilities, yeah, those fucking things. It sure does feel good to drive around without looking out for the po po though.

I just ate 24 party pies. You know you're a fat cunt when you sit down and eat an entire box of food meant for a party by yourself, in a way, it's kind of a feat, not something I can brag about but- wait, I probably can, it won't get positive responses but it'll make it into my resume. Hopefully someone will read it and say "we must hire this man, he can eat 24 party pies." and then I'll be a famous singer.

Rise and Fall - Adventure Club & Krewella

Sunday 10 November 2013

Boys of summer.

"Shotgun! Oh wait, I'm driving..."
- Tai Pham, what a wanker :L

Woke up to see Tai peering through my windows, staring at my bare naked body with awe, lust and envy, lol jokes, I was only half naked but the rest is true. He had a craving for dutch pancakes and I had a craving for something edible and away we went. Picked up Leon and Teddy and we did what everyone else does at the markets and in case Hong is reading, the sexy dude that serves pancakes wasn't there so you didn't miss out on much, unless he's the dude with the beergut and bald patch with a slight comb over, in which case, yes, he was there, in fact, there were 3 of them, might be your thing. Met up with Hoc at Zaraffa's and we caught up since I didn't see anyone for the past week or so. I remember how Hoc's eyes lit up like a proud parent when I told him I got my P's :L He genuinely looked happy, like if he was at his son's wedding or something, it was quite heartwarming.

Bummed at Tai's after to borrow his PSP charger and after a good hour or 2 I left without the charger and felt like complete boofhead for the rest of the day, which isn't all that different from any other day really.

Boys of Summer - The Ataris

Saturday 9 November 2013

Crave you.

"Creating a life that reflects your values and satisfies your soul is a rare achievement. In a culture that relentlessly promotes avarice and excess as the good life, a person happy doing his own work is usually an eccentric, if not a subversive. Ambition is only understood if it's to rise to the top of some imaginary ladder of success. Someone who takes an undemanding job just because it affords him the time to pursue other interests and activities is considered a flake. A person who abandons a career in order to stay home an raise children is considered not to be living up to his potential. As if a job title and salary are the sole measure of human worth. You'll be told in a hundred ways, some subtle and some not, to keep climbing, and never be satisfied with where you are, who you are and what you're doing. There are a million ways to sell yourself out and I guarantee you'll hear about them. To invent your own meaning is not easy but it's still allowed, and I think you'll be happier for the trouble."
- Bill Watterson

That's a long as fuck quote, man.

day 9 of 30: I hoping to at least get to day 10, there's just no way I can make it to the end of the month despite all that shit I said about "my will-power is my strongest point" because now I know my will-power doesn't amount to shit and I'm totally okay with that.

Found a Nintendo Wii in my room (Don't worry, I'm just as confused as you) and hooked it up to my telly, you could imagine my excitement, finding a console I forgot existed in my room in working order. Looked around the house and found the cords and controller along with a Zelda game and that pretty much settled it, I was not going to leave my room for a very, very long time but my excitement crumbled into massive unicorn wang when I realized I didn't have any batteries for the wiimote, fuck me, right ? 

Went out with some friends from Forest Lake to a Korean barbecue joint called "Seoul" in Sunnybank right next to Fusion 360 and even though it wasn't bad, I'd take a steak over cooking your own food any day. 

Hmm, what else happened ?

Oh yeah, I got my P's, totally shat all over that test.

Crave You (Adventure Club Remix) - Flight Facilities

Friday 8 November 2013

Game on.

"Sometimes, when I walk past your house, I can hear you screaming.
- Andrew Pateman, on smoko

Day 8 of 30: I will not be completing this challange, shit is simply too hard, man. This is good though, a good reality check, it's always good to know your limits and that you're not actually invincible, keeping this cockiness level on check is one of the best traits there is in a person but I'll hold out a bit longer. Most girls won't be impressed if I said "I went 10 days without fapping" but guys wouldn't believe you even if you had solid proof.

Haven't seen anyone other than my family around for the past week and a half so there's really nothing I can write that'd be of significance for me. It's different, I'll write that much, to have an abrupt cease of external communication but there must be a reason so I'm not going to pry into it any further. Even being bored is a massive privilege, a privilege I feel not enough people appreciate but then again, every privilege is something not enough people appreciate.

Tomorrow is going to be a big day, and a good one I hope but that all depends on me.

Game On - MOOG & Jon Elms

Thursday 7 November 2013

City of angels.

"Yeah, your chest hair kinda does look like the bat symbol."
- Dante Le, I fucking told ya so.

Day 7 of 30: I'm like, super, super close to failing, this is just too intense, I think tomorrow might be it so to those who are still going strong, good luck, you're all more of a man than I could ever be, more power to you.

Chilled with mumsies and her husband heaps lately, going to dinner at her place every night, shopping at Mt Ommaney and even taking over some of her shifts at work. I never used to notice these things before but spending a little more time with mumsies has gotten me strollin' down memory lane, the ally ways of memory lane.

I remember when I was in primary school, there was this time mumsies was in a bit of a bad mood and when I went to see her,  she threw a glass plate onto the ground and the shards sliced my ankles pretty badly, I don't know why I'm recalling that now, I just thought it'd be nice to remember that it's not as smooth-sailing as people make it out to be. I'm not doing this to spite mumsies, I'm sure I'll find out what was happening at the time from her one day, just like everything else. It's hard to get her to talk about her life to me, to anyone really but that's probably because I don't bother finding out half the time, the fact that I don't live with my parents probably doesn't help either. There was another time where I did something wrong and she grabbed a broom and tried to smack the living daylights out of me but I grabbed the broom and broke it with my knee on the spur of the moment and ever since then I don't think she's tried corporal punishment anymore (on me anyway) and I sorta regret doing all of that, should've taken it like a bitch/man/whatever because seeing her so helpless towards me is scary and unnatural and does more damage than any broom to the butt could ever do. Shit's fucked, yo.

City of Angels - Thirty Seconds To Mars

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Pretty brown eyes.

"My name is Kanye West but actually, I'm one of the few people whose middle name is "motherfucking"."
- Kanye West, or you might prefer "Kanye Motherfucking West"

Day 6 of 30: this challenge is no joke aye, I've thought about it 32 times today, you know I mean business when I can be bothered to count that high cause this shit is ridiculoussssssss. If I do give in, I'll be sure to donate a pretty penny to the fap jar, like 40 bucks or something, wasn't my idea, in fact, it was Dante's :L The guy who hosted the challenge failed, too.

You ever wonder how weird it must be to be a Pokemon ? Almost every time you come out of your ball, you pretty much have to knock out the thing in front of you for no real reason and then when you're done, you go back into the ball and no one can directly understand you, what a shit life.

Bummed, coffee, ate, Pokemon and didn't fap. That's about it today, not even joking.

Probably the first time Tim said "fucking" it was amazing :L they talk about the loopiest things, man. Right after that, they were talking about politics and then went straight to orgies, what the fuck, right ? what kind of conversational segway was that ? and the best thing about that was the other 200 people went with it and it was almost as if the conversation didn't switch from "our Chinese government sucks" to "anyone ever been in an orgy before ?".

Pretty Brown Eyes - PMAC

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Last chance.

"There's so much room for activities!"
- Dante and Kevin Le, after stepping foot in my room for the first time.

Day 5 of 30: oh man, I can feel it building up, December is not going to have a pretty start, fireworks are coming early next month, fellas. This ain't good.

You guys ever wonder how Team Rocket are always in possession of some over-the-top robot that's as big as Japan ? Where does the money come from ? They're chasing a Pikachu, a fucking Pikachu, of ALL the pokemon in the world, they choose to stalk a 10 year old kid and Inala his Pikachu. I bet Giovanni doesn't even want a Pikachu. You know James is like, 25 ? isn't that amazing ? They can't afford food and water for half the episodes but they can buy endless amounts of gigantic robots that can't take out 3 teenagers but can take out a small army. And that, my friends, is why Pokemon is the fucking bomb. They could make millions from a talking Meowth...

The day was spent bumming with Dante and Izzy, they even had lunch in my room as we watched a movie. It's kinda like a tradition now that I think about it, Dante has always walked into my room whenever he buys food and I think it's the only chance I get to spend a little time with the guy but even then, it's practically nothing :L Oh, and fixed my wireless, how dope is that ? now niggas can stop nagging me to buy another modem. Also started reading a book, a very, very, very, very, very slow process, God bless Stephen Fry, as ironic as that sentence is.

Last Chance - Krewella & Project 64

Monday 4 November 2013

Greenery rain.

"man, that load you're going to shoot at the end of the month..."
- Dante Le, no explanation needed.

Day 4 of 30: this is a breeze, man. Didn't think about it once today- wait, no, nevermind. 
But it is getting easier, just so long as I have something to do. This month will end before I know it hehehehe.

Moved the shit in my room around a little and while doing so, I found out that what I enjoyed wasn't the rain but rather the wind. I find myself leaving the glass windows wide open and when I sat down, I realized that I'd risk my own safety for a breeze and it's almost the most liberating thing in the world, that said, I don't dislike the rain, it's more like I don't mind it but it's not uncommon that wind accompanies rain but it is strange that I don't think about it unless I do something significant. I wouldn't usually think about this, maybe all the jizz is going to my brain and making me do and think strange things. The move has created room and so I can now see outside, like one of those pretty window panes that can see everything you see in movies and such, only that I'm limited to my street and the wind blows so often, I might not even need to buy an air conditioner anymore, I like this change.

Holy shit, check this shit out.

There's 196 people in this thing now. My initial intention was to feed them lies but when I found out that all 196 of them genuinely wish to improve their English, 8 of which teach English in different provinces all around China, I didn't want to feed them lies, who would ? I spent a good chunk telling them what I know and they do the same. It's wonderful that they can spare their time to help other people with their problems, it's almost like a tiny community that aren't a bunch of assholes, you know, aside from that one person who talks about chicks and pussy all day (surprisingly enough, in this community, that person is not me.)

Greenery Rain - Kashiwa Daisuke

Sunday 3 November 2013


"You're only a loser if you're a quitter!"
- Ash Ketchum.

Day 3 of 30: it's really weird to not do anything about a boner, I imagine it's like having a child whose crying all the time, demanding attention from the parent (anyone, really) and yet the parent just sits there and waits til the child fucks off somewhere but the ideal thing to do is give the child attention but for the whole of November, I can't give my child any attention and it makes me sad to see my child so aggravated but I think this is just good parenting.. or bad, I'm not quite sure but thank god it's not permanent.

Jack brought Alex over from his shell and the day was spent watching Pokemon, playing Monopoly, going to 7/11 and eating maccas, all in all, a pretty chill day. Oh, for future reference, Maccas' breakfast starts at 4am and not at 6am, please remember this unless you want to beg and plead to a speaker box early morning which I'm pretty sure everyone in the store heard then ultimately buying a sausage and egg Mcmuffin meal which, to be honest, isn't worth it at all then you go home and just fucking inhale what you bought then feel bad for not only not buying enough but also, not buying at the right time and then you cry but those tears don't flow from your eyes but pour onto your heart making you feel that sinking feeling that just makes you feel like a robot's scrotum.

Collide - MOOG & Erin Renee

Collide (WhiteCityLights Remix) - MOOG & Erin Renee

Saturday 2 November 2013

Lights and thunder.

- Dante Le, the prick caught me half asleep and I genuinely dropped nuts thinking Betty got Inala-ed

Day 2 of 30: it seems I've underestimated this challenge however, that does not mean I failed it. My day-to-day experiences have become more and more intricate as I'm noticing things I have not before, the slightest implication of anything vulgar or sexual begin to echo in my ears as I try my hardest to ignore them whilst carrying on with my duties. I imagine the next 28 days won't as forgiving as today was and I'm interested to see what the male psyche will make me do and how I'll deal with it. I'm honestly thinking about just staying home for the remainder of the month as pretty much anything will give me boner which is pretty dangerous.

In other news, Tim invited me to mass chat group with an impressive diversity of cultural backgounds. Now watch as I make all 120 people in this chat believe that all Australians have pet Kangaroos and say "cunt" as often as we breathe. Oh man, this is gonna be dope.

Seems like the only people who can speak fluent English is myself and a retired 82 year old bloke that lives in Warren, Michigan, USA which is pretty cool. The borderline-bigotry the Chinese have of everyone else is pretty funny. They even changed my name to "Kevin the Australian" HAHAHAHAHAHHA

Lights & Thunder - Krewella & Gareth Emery

Friday 1 November 2013

Machine civilization.

"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing."
- Theodore Roosevelt

COMMENCE OPERATION "NO-FAP NOVEMBER"! it's quite a self-explanatory operation name. I'm always keen for a test that'll challenge my will-power, I like to think my strongest point is my will-power, there's something about overcoming anything just by thinking about it really tickles my fancy and this just might be the hardest thing I've ever encountered, literally.

Fuck all happened today. Oh, I punched a fly in mid-flight and it fucking died, that's off the bucket-list so there's that but other than that, fuck all. It was wonderful.

Machine Civilization - World Order