Friday 29 November 2013

Over my dead body.

"Every time you say a prayer, and God don't answer, it's because he told yo ass "No.""
- 50 cent

This morning was dope. Woke up, freshened up and got a Skype call from Jack saying Hoc was keen for Ramen so already, I'm the King of Inala. Got picked up and we just sat and ate and then went home, it was awesome and not even an hour later, the lovely Jenny Smith (I don't know her last name so I picked a pretty common last name even though she's clearly not a "Smith", she doesn't look like one but hey, who knows, she might actually be one, in which case, this is completely redundant but then again, everything I post is.) popped by my house while Tai was getting his haircut to give me a packet of chocolate scotch fingers. I assume it's because of my little spiel from the night before so if my predictions are correct; if I whinge about not being able to find a Nissan NSX at the shops in this post, he and Jenny Smith should pop by with the keys to a Nissan NSX before the next one. Ahem, here we go: 

Oh man, I went to like, 4 different streets today and didn't even manage to find a single NSX, what has the world come to ? You'd think such a beautiful car would be every where these days. Oh well, guess I'll stumble upon one day although the chances of that happening are quite low so if only some thoughtful, generous neighbor and his missus would be so nice as to give me one, that'd be great. Shit. Made. My. Day.

My afternoon was pretty dope, too. Bumped into Tai and Jenny Smith again on the way to buy Andy food which had given me a perfect chance to thank them and went home to eventually have a punch up with Denne, Why ? no idea. Did I do it ? you bet your beautifully shaped ass I did. Then I just chilled with Denne and Squishy til they got tired. 

Over My Dead Body -  Drake

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