Wednesday 20 November 2013

Big booty bitches.

"hey boo boo, want eat out tonight ? wanna eat mah dick?!"
- Dante Le, on the phone with his girlfriend, I can't make this shit up, guys. He genuinely proposed oral sex through the phone. Shit was funny as fuck.

This morning was dope, granted, I was asleep for most of it but I think that played a large part in why I thought it was so dope. House was a lot more cleaner than usual and my brothers weren't there to fuck it all up so that was really nice of them.

I had received an e-mail containing a voucher code for Domino's and I shit you not, it said "any 3 pizzas, a cheesy garlic bread and a 1.25 liter bottle of coke for $20.95" and I thought there must be something wrong there, they might as well given me a life pass for every all-you-can-eat joint in the world, it was one of those things where you'd contemplate their legitimacy, wondering if it's one of those things where you'd enter some sort of lottery and get hassled with calls from that company for the next 30 or so years. Who could pass up a deal like that ? I put in my order and sure enough, what was waiting for me on the other side of that counter were 3 pizzas, a cheesy garlic bread and a bottle of coke and they took $20.95 from me. I had no idea what to do with the third pizza so I crashed Kiet's house and gave it to him, he looked happy :L shit, anyone would if you gave them an entire pizza and those who say otherwise are fucking liars.

So yeah, my day revolved around this ridiculous voucher deal I got from Dominos. In all honesty, I'm surprised I don't write about pizza as often as I should, as often as everyone should, actually. 

Big Booty Bitches - A Lost People

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