Saturday 23 November 2013

Tic tic.

"I'm gonna pull a prank on Teddy and I want you to help me. I need you to change the date on his phone and computer to yesterday and we're going to try to convince him his own birthday party never happened. You guys are going to call him tomorrow morning at around 10:30am and ask him when is his party starting."
- Teddy Tolentino's step-father. What a fantastic idea.

Tai Pham dropped by after coffee to print out something or rather and seemed really thankful for something so small, like really thankful, a little too thankful. I should watch my back around that guy from now on, I'm pretty sure he's planning to stab me with like, a toy smurf from maccas or something.

Was invited to a birthday party and stayed way longer than I had intended to, I don't think anyone was expecting to be there for as long as they did. It was dope though, real nice family, they had a grandma that put everyone else to shame, alcohol wise and being the testosterone-filled irresponsible boys that we were, we all took a shot regardless if we were driving or not simply because an old lady basically called you a bitch with her eyes if you didn't and she even went as far as taking the shot for you if you refuse which put immense pressure on everyone else. So yeah, drank then drove like, 8 hours later. I was lucky this time and I hope there won't be a "next time".

I've been spending the last 6 hours watching Gordon Ramsey do his thing and for all the screaming and yelling he's known for, he has an amazingly well-kept family and he has a kitchen that would make gay men weep because the pudding looks so beautiful. At first, I thought this was a pretty lame way to spend my time but after thinking about it for a bit, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it :L plus, Gordon Ramsey's a sick cunt. 

TIC TIC - Dumbfoundead & Intuition

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