Wednesday 13 November 2013

Rainy days.

"Not bad, mate. You're still a nub though."
- Dante Le, after telling me to take him to mumsies' house, he hasn't been in the car with me driving ever since my first drive in Betty :L oh god, those were terrible, terrible days.

My boredom probably reached it's peak last night. I drove to Hoc's and Tai's house just to pick up a GameCube controller and Mario Kart for the wii at like, 8pm. I'm lucky to have such easy-going mates. I don't think there'd be many people who would just lend their shit out on a whim like that, especially when it's on such short notice, they seemed busy as well but were all like "fuck it, here you go." to my selfishness. Hahah Hoc was in his underpants.

Speaking of Mario Kart, Dante completely destroyed me in that game, like, left me in go-kart dust, he practically overlapped me and the CPUs, this brotherly-rivalry has been one-sided for far too long, aye. I have yet to find one thing I'm better than him at other than sucking massive balls at everything but even if I do find something I'm better than him at, he wouldn't give me a chance to show him. WHY IS HE SO CLEVER?! HE'S NOT EVEN SMART, I'D EVEN GO AS FAR AS TO SAY HE'S A MORON. I'M LOSING TO A MORON. WHAT DO !? that actually says more about me than it does him :L

This storm doe.

Rainy Days (English/Acoustic) - One Way

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