Saturday 30 November 2013

Pound cake.

"Yo, do you want some passion fruit juice?"
- Kiet Nguyen, out of fucking no where.

Opened the door for Dante early morning then took that chance to get some coffee, that was dope, nothing quite wakes you up like the early morning cold that shrivels your balls, that just doesn't go away man, especially when it happens in like, 2 seconds. Coffee didn't really help in the grand scale of things, I ended up going to bed again and woke up to Kiet, delivering frozen packets of passion fruit juice, yeah, I'm just as lost as you are but hey, when life gives you lemons, right? We walked to Tai's crib to get him in on some of this passion fruit swag but he was at work and his mumsies accepted in his place. 

Pretty much spent the afternoon watching anime with Kiet whilst talking about random shit, it's the same every time I'm with that guy :L I think it's because we don't have many things in common but the fact that we've known each other since grade 1 is good enough, regardless if his interests are my disinterests. Hahahah after thinking for a while, I'd even go as far as to say that we're pretty much polar opposites :L

Caught Kiet, Anthony Ton and Brandan Than at the gym at like, 9pm and out of no where, that nigga Brandan asked me for an arm wrestle and even though I knew I was gonna get rekt, who could resist an attempt ? A dude saw our wrestle and told me my form was completely off, causing Brandan to have an advantage so next time that nigga challenges me, my body will be ready hehehehehe.

Personal best for unassisted flat dumbbell press is now 40s and mad props to Brandan for being my spot for them 42s. I FINALLY HIT DAT BLACK TIER, SON! 

Pound Cake (Childish Gambino Freestyle Cover) - Drake

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