Sunday 17 November 2013

Distorted love.

"Did Hong just come first ?"
- Kevin Le, Tai Pham and Andy Le in unison.

Woke up to Dante screaming my name, demanding me to let him in and as reluctant as I was, the consequences for not letting him in weren't all that appealing so it was good to still have my manhood in tact when I woke up from my nap later that morning.

Received a letter of challenge from Hong, asking me to duke it out in Mario Kart with her since she was in the area and I thought it would totally suck if Tai didn't get in on this shit so I asked him to play some vidya with us which went well with all of us, at least as far as I was concerned. I also got Andy to play with us which I regret forever because he totally flung his metaphorical feces at us repeatedly with his amazing skills of adaptation but being his older brother, I like to tell him he's full of shit and he should stop cheating. Tai, Hong, Andy and myself went to bum at Tai's house where we proceeded to do fuck all for the rest of the afternoon and as uneventful as that was, I probably could not have asked for a better time :L and as selfish as I am, I hope these kind of days don't stop coming. 

Mumsies' asked me to stop by her shop to do some errands and on the way back, I bought KFC for Andy and watched that dude play Zelda until Tai was all good for some Zaraffa's. Kiet dropped by mid-coffee and we talked shit til we decided to call it day and that pretty much sums up my Sunday. Should've went to the Markets this morning, man. I would pay anything to listen to those 2 jazz improv musicians while munching on some foods again.

Distorted Love - Shook & Ronika

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