Saturday 2 November 2013

Lights and thunder.

- Dante Le, the prick caught me half asleep and I genuinely dropped nuts thinking Betty got Inala-ed

Day 2 of 30: it seems I've underestimated this challenge however, that does not mean I failed it. My day-to-day experiences have become more and more intricate as I'm noticing things I have not before, the slightest implication of anything vulgar or sexual begin to echo in my ears as I try my hardest to ignore them whilst carrying on with my duties. I imagine the next 28 days won't as forgiving as today was and I'm interested to see what the male psyche will make me do and how I'll deal with it. I'm honestly thinking about just staying home for the remainder of the month as pretty much anything will give me boner which is pretty dangerous.

In other news, Tim invited me to mass chat group with an impressive diversity of cultural backgounds. Now watch as I make all 120 people in this chat believe that all Australians have pet Kangaroos and say "cunt" as often as we breathe. Oh man, this is gonna be dope.

Seems like the only people who can speak fluent English is myself and a retired 82 year old bloke that lives in Warren, Michigan, USA which is pretty cool. The borderline-bigotry the Chinese have of everyone else is pretty funny. They even changed my name to "Kevin the Australian" HAHAHAHAHAHHA

Lights & Thunder - Krewella & Gareth Emery


  1. lol'd, also, right here with ya man. damn november hahahah

    1. Dude, I don't think I can last much longer...
