Friday 15 November 2013

Kangaroo league.

"I got to go to the doctors to get a birth certificate later, wanna come?"
Dante Le, to which I accordingly replied with "wat?"

I got a glance at Nataliee when I ordered my coffee this morning and I know she caught a glance at me, too. It was wonderful because I knew she felt uncomfortable with me being there, why else would she ignore me the way she did when we clearly made eye contact ? I did my best to stare at her while I sip on a strawberry latte (not bad, by the way) but it would seem her obliviousness knows no bounds, well, on the outside. I don't dislike her or anything, I'm sure her reasons and circumstances are understandable, I just find it funny how things turned out :L 

I had a sudden craving for Kadoya chicken katsu curry and was moping about for an hour til I realized there was literally nothing stopping me from going there and getting it myself so, much to my own surprise, I did just that and that was single-handedly the most awesomest thing I've done by a mile. The amount of people go there is amazing, they're always in a group or with their significant other, you could imagine how weird it'd be to see one dude by himself surrounded by tables with a minimum of 2 people around them. Even the cashier was like "Sorry for the wait. How many people ?" and when I had to tell her "Just one." she repeated it louder and in a condescending/surprising tone and even though I pay no mind to these kind of things, the amount of people who stare at you for being alone is pretty astonishing. 

I ordered the extra hot curry, you know, the one where you have to pay extra to get ? and after eating all of that, I'm convinced that the holes in the middle of the restaurant chairs were placed there just in case you shit yourself in the food-consuming process. The chairs look like eighth-handed potty chairs passed down from generation to generation from all over the rural provinces of China (even though it's a Japanese joint) and they are designed so that even when you fart, it wouldn't be as bad because there'd be a road for the lonely gas to go. Having the food taste as spicy as the Devil's butthole didn't help either. Japanese people are so thoughtful. 

Kangaroo League (Official Remix) - Capital Cities & Fitz and the Tantrums

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