Monday 4 November 2013

Greenery rain.

"man, that load you're going to shoot at the end of the month..."
- Dante Le, no explanation needed.

Day 4 of 30: this is a breeze, man. Didn't think about it once today- wait, no, nevermind. 
But it is getting easier, just so long as I have something to do. This month will end before I know it hehehehe.

Moved the shit in my room around a little and while doing so, I found out that what I enjoyed wasn't the rain but rather the wind. I find myself leaving the glass windows wide open and when I sat down, I realized that I'd risk my own safety for a breeze and it's almost the most liberating thing in the world, that said, I don't dislike the rain, it's more like I don't mind it but it's not uncommon that wind accompanies rain but it is strange that I don't think about it unless I do something significant. I wouldn't usually think about this, maybe all the jizz is going to my brain and making me do and think strange things. The move has created room and so I can now see outside, like one of those pretty window panes that can see everything you see in movies and such, only that I'm limited to my street and the wind blows so often, I might not even need to buy an air conditioner anymore, I like this change.

Holy shit, check this shit out.

There's 196 people in this thing now. My initial intention was to feed them lies but when I found out that all 196 of them genuinely wish to improve their English, 8 of which teach English in different provinces all around China, I didn't want to feed them lies, who would ? I spent a good chunk telling them what I know and they do the same. It's wonderful that they can spare their time to help other people with their problems, it's almost like a tiny community that aren't a bunch of assholes, you know, aside from that one person who talks about chicks and pussy all day (surprisingly enough, in this community, that person is not me.)

Greenery Rain - Kashiwa Daisuke

1 comment:

  1. It's peanut butter jelly time peanut butter jelly time peanut butter jelly time
