Sunday 10 November 2013

Boys of summer.

"Shotgun! Oh wait, I'm driving..."
- Tai Pham, what a wanker :L

Woke up to see Tai peering through my windows, staring at my bare naked body with awe, lust and envy, lol jokes, I was only half naked but the rest is true. He had a craving for dutch pancakes and I had a craving for something edible and away we went. Picked up Leon and Teddy and we did what everyone else does at the markets and in case Hong is reading, the sexy dude that serves pancakes wasn't there so you didn't miss out on much, unless he's the dude with the beergut and bald patch with a slight comb over, in which case, yes, he was there, in fact, there were 3 of them, might be your thing. Met up with Hoc at Zaraffa's and we caught up since I didn't see anyone for the past week or so. I remember how Hoc's eyes lit up like a proud parent when I told him I got my P's :L He genuinely looked happy, like if he was at his son's wedding or something, it was quite heartwarming.

Bummed at Tai's after to borrow his PSP charger and after a good hour or 2 I left without the charger and felt like complete boofhead for the rest of the day, which isn't all that different from any other day really.

Boys of Summer - The Ataris

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