Tuesday 19 November 2013

Dear professor.

"I feel like ramen, you wanna go eat ramen ?"
- Hoc Vu, love it when someone does that.
Had shit to do, no motivation to do it, that is until I got yelled at but even then it was like "ehhh, alright.

Went to Inala to deal with a few things for my step pappi (for the sake of convenience, I'm gonna call him "Bobby" from now on, since that's the name I gave him when we first met :L) and myself up at Centrelink. It sure gets tiring lying to the government for my parents so they can reap the benefits, "cheating the system" as they would say. I was raised not to lie by mumsies and she tells me to lie almost on a daily basis these days and I guess that's one of the reasons why she thought it'd be best for my to live by myself, I suppose my bringing up her contradictions isn't what she needs, ever but I learnt that lying and not telling the truth are two very, very different things, a lesson that has kept my sanity in tact when dealing with my parents and even though it's not a nice thing to say, I think these kind of things come with every family, I was just unfortunate enough to not know how to deal with it til now.

I started my house duties at around 6pm and the fact that sports was tonight completely flew over my head so missing out on sports sucked giant squirrel genitals but I think leaving my responsibilities aside for another day would've been worse, especially when it was something I set up for myself the day before so despite what other's might say, I think I did a good thing not going tonight. Getting my priorities straight has been something I wanted to get done for a long time and I think this is the first step of many. Shit is gonna be awesome.  

Dear Professor - The Dean's List (now known as "The King's Dead")


  1. I've been in my room, think I'm going a little crazy or maybe it's the shrooms.

    1. I don't want to die yet, but fuck it if I do. Put your cup up in the air, bury me up in this booth.
