Thursday 28 November 2013


"Wanna come skydiving with me? Max and I have a coupon."
- Jack Hogan.

I checked like, 8 different shops, no chocolate scotch fingers, maybe I'm not looking close enough or maybe, maybe they never existed in the first place and I was just tripping balls because when I think about it, they're just simply too good to not be within 5ft of each other everywhere. Wait, nevermind, just googled them, they do indeed, exist. Wow. I am a moron. I can't believe I genuinely thought that was figment of my imagination.

I like to think of myself as a calm and reasonable guy but today, that all went out the window when I found out there was party Dante was going to that had a jumping castle and I wasn't invited, granted, I didn't know anyone that was at that party but that didn't stop me to falling into a deep depression as you could imagine. Who in their right mind would not invite Kevin Le to a party that has a fucking jumping castle ? that being said though, I'd rather not jump into one knowing Dante is in there somewhere, I would like to remain conscious if I could help it, thank you.

I booked an appointment for Andy's Corinda High School enrollment and bumped into Miss Anderson at the office and I instantly thought of Gordon Ramsey, not quite sure why but I did. We caught up until I had to go and even though I've physically changed since high school, she still scares the fuck out of me, It's a real shame, too. If I had met her in any other circumstance then I'm sure I would view her differently in a positive way. First impressions are really, really important.

Chilled with Jack Hogan and a few of his boys because I could and we just bummed, it was nice, it was like for those couple of hours, nothing but us mattered and that's something I totally dig, bro.

Rude - MAGIC!

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