Friday 22 November 2013

So fly.

"Ya'll fucking crazy."
- Kevin Le, when I over heard Elvis's mother talking about going a boat cruise for a week and casually saying "it's only $700 a person!"

Was invited to a boat cruise for a week on December the 18th and the most crazy part is I don't even have to pay. What's with rich people ? there should be some sort of limit of generosity but it doesn't seem to be in sight for those guys. I honestly don't know if I should go or not, of course I don't want them to throw around money like that but dude, a fucking week long cruise, on a fucking boat. Ever watch pokemon where Ash and his groups of friends would head to an island and they'd be on a dope ass yacht with a pool, food, ballroom, beds and pokemans ? yeah, that's how I imagined it would be like, only without the pokemans, huh, I think I watch too much pokemans. 

Worked with mumsies' until I had to feed the beast and for some odd reason, Andy had the urge to leave the house and go to Skylark and so I ended up there again until the shop closed, other than the strange unreasonableness of Asian adults everyone but themselves had to deal with, nothing in particular happened.

As of today, my personal best for flat dumb bell press is 38kg 8reps unassisted, I hope I don't slack off again. 

So Fly - Childish Gambino

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