Monday 18 November 2013

All I need is your love.

"Go to your room!"
- Andy Le, telling me to go to my room, in my house, in my living room. I admire his balls.

I don't think anything happened today, other than the usual these days which is mainly feeding Andy. I'm starting to feel bad barely doing anything today, guess I'll spend all day cleaning and shopping for things I need around the house tomorrow, as well as that appointment I need to go to in the morning so I guess that will sit well in my mind.

I need to edit most of my past posts as well now that I think about it, it would be nice if there was a theme throughout this blog as I didn't really confirm a content layout until recently so that might take up a good chunk of the day, I'd like to sort out my music more as well. There's a bunch of shit I could do now that I've layed some of them out :L TOMORROW IS GOING TO BE QUITE PRODUCTIVE! I HOPE.

All I Need Is Your Love - Deorro & Adrian Delgado

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