Wednesday 27 November 2013


"Remember kids; eat your school, stay in drugs and don't do vegetables."
- Alex Dang, talking to a bunch of primary school kids on the bus on the way home from high school, sometime in year 11, I think. Obviously, he didn't come up with the quote, or did he ? honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

Oh bro, I just went out and bought a packet of scotch fingers and literally spent all my free time eating them. THESE FUCKING THINGS ARE SO GOOD, I HEARD THERE'S LIKE,  CHOCOLATE COATED VERSION OF THE SCOTCH FINGER SO I'M GOING TO SPEND MOST OF MY DAY HUNTING THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS DOWN OH GOD, WE'RE GOING ON AN ADVENTURE! I just ate the last one and now I'm sad. Even though it's implied that you should split these things but how can you not eat something that looks like it should have it's own religion whole ?

Oh man, I'm picking out the residue between my teeth with my tongue and it simply makes me want to drench my shirt and boxers with the liquid that lactates from my nipples. 

Explode - Verm

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