Monday 25 November 2013


"Nothing haunts us like the things we don't say."
- Mitch Albom.

Kiet called me in the morning asking where he could buy a pocket knife and that's not even the weird part, the weird part was when I told him exactly where he could get his hands on some pocket knives for real cheap, like $20. That followed another call from Hoc asking if I had a whipper snipper laying about and then that followed waking up to find Betty gone. Naturally, I pooped all over my balls but apparently, Dante took advantage of my comatose-like state early in the morning and coerced my consent of his usage, crazy. 

I never liked asking for favors but I jump at the opportunity to fulfill the ones asked of me, I think it's because I can understand the desperateness of asking for a favor and it's never a good position to be in, odd how that works. Since Dante had left me in my Betty-less situation, I had no means of transport to get Andy food, everyday at 4pm, he would appear by my side out of thin-air and smacks his lips and utter the words "..... I'm hungry." but since Betty was slutting off somewhere, I had to call up Tai and ask to borrow his car and just like that, he handed the keys to me and that was it. I was expecting like a bunch of questions and a group interview but it was quite literally "here you go." I can't believe someone would just do that and not even lose a blink over it. I practically took that dude's means of transportation away from him and he was like "yeah, you did." I could've crashed it, I could've raced stupid teenagers with it, I could've hired a prostitute, killed her and left her in the trunk but he was totally cool with it. Shit was amazing. Went home where Hong gave me step-by-step instructions on how to use a Nintendo Wii which was something I've been meaning to get to anyway so that was dope. Also drove a rape van around my neighborhood, heaps different from your standard car.

Saw, spoke and communicated with a lot of mates today, more than I usually would, must've named at least half a dozen people in this post, had a good variety, it's been a good day. Oh yeah, I applied for a job at an adult store today, oh god, can you imagine ? How great it must be to work in a place like that ? To be honest, the only reason I even applied was for that off-chance that someone I know will walk into the store and buy like an extra large black dildo modeled after the washington monument or something and I'll be right there to serve them :L boy or girl.

Envelopes - Gowe (Gifted on West East)

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