Wednesday 6 November 2013

Pretty brown eyes.

"My name is Kanye West but actually, I'm one of the few people whose middle name is "motherfucking"."
- Kanye West, or you might prefer "Kanye Motherfucking West"

Day 6 of 30: this challenge is no joke aye, I've thought about it 32 times today, you know I mean business when I can be bothered to count that high cause this shit is ridiculoussssssss. If I do give in, I'll be sure to donate a pretty penny to the fap jar, like 40 bucks or something, wasn't my idea, in fact, it was Dante's :L The guy who hosted the challenge failed, too.

You ever wonder how weird it must be to be a Pokemon ? Almost every time you come out of your ball, you pretty much have to knock out the thing in front of you for no real reason and then when you're done, you go back into the ball and no one can directly understand you, what a shit life.

Bummed, coffee, ate, Pokemon and didn't fap. That's about it today, not even joking.

Probably the first time Tim said "fucking" it was amazing :L they talk about the loopiest things, man. Right after that, they were talking about politics and then went straight to orgies, what the fuck, right ? what kind of conversational segway was that ? and the best thing about that was the other 200 people went with it and it was almost as if the conversation didn't switch from "our Chinese government sucks" to "anyone ever been in an orgy before ?".

Pretty Brown Eyes - PMAC

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