Friday 8 November 2013

Game on.

"Sometimes, when I walk past your house, I can hear you screaming.
- Andrew Pateman, on smoko

Day 8 of 30: I will not be completing this challange, shit is simply too hard, man. This is good though, a good reality check, it's always good to know your limits and that you're not actually invincible, keeping this cockiness level on check is one of the best traits there is in a person but I'll hold out a bit longer. Most girls won't be impressed if I said "I went 10 days without fapping" but guys wouldn't believe you even if you had solid proof.

Haven't seen anyone other than my family around for the past week and a half so there's really nothing I can write that'd be of significance for me. It's different, I'll write that much, to have an abrupt cease of external communication but there must be a reason so I'm not going to pry into it any further. Even being bored is a massive privilege, a privilege I feel not enough people appreciate but then again, every privilege is something not enough people appreciate.

Tomorrow is going to be a big day, and a good one I hope but that all depends on me.

Game On - MOOG & Jon Elms

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