Tuesday 5 November 2013

Last chance.

"There's so much room for activities!"
- Dante and Kevin Le, after stepping foot in my room for the first time.

Day 5 of 30: oh man, I can feel it building up, December is not going to have a pretty start, fireworks are coming early next month, fellas. This ain't good.

You guys ever wonder how Team Rocket are always in possession of some over-the-top robot that's as big as Japan ? Where does the money come from ? They're chasing a Pikachu, a fucking Pikachu, of ALL the pokemon in the world, they choose to stalk a 10 year old kid and Inala his Pikachu. I bet Giovanni doesn't even want a Pikachu. You know James is like, 25 ? isn't that amazing ? They can't afford food and water for half the episodes but they can buy endless amounts of gigantic robots that can't take out 3 teenagers but can take out a small army. And that, my friends, is why Pokemon is the fucking bomb. They could make millions from a talking Meowth...

The day was spent bumming with Dante and Izzy, they even had lunch in my room as we watched a movie. It's kinda like a tradition now that I think about it, Dante has always walked into my room whenever he buys food and I think it's the only chance I get to spend a little time with the guy but even then, it's practically nothing :L Oh, and fixed my wireless, how dope is that ? now niggas can stop nagging me to buy another modem. Also started reading a book, a very, very, very, very, very slow process, God bless Stephen Fry, as ironic as that sentence is.

Last Chance - Krewella & Project 64

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