Sunday 3 November 2013


"You're only a loser if you're a quitter!"
- Ash Ketchum.

Day 3 of 30: it's really weird to not do anything about a boner, I imagine it's like having a child whose crying all the time, demanding attention from the parent (anyone, really) and yet the parent just sits there and waits til the child fucks off somewhere but the ideal thing to do is give the child attention but for the whole of November, I can't give my child any attention and it makes me sad to see my child so aggravated but I think this is just good parenting.. or bad, I'm not quite sure but thank god it's not permanent.

Jack brought Alex over from his shell and the day was spent watching Pokemon, playing Monopoly, going to 7/11 and eating maccas, all in all, a pretty chill day. Oh, for future reference, Maccas' breakfast starts at 4am and not at 6am, please remember this unless you want to beg and plead to a speaker box early morning which I'm pretty sure everyone in the store heard then ultimately buying a sausage and egg Mcmuffin meal which, to be honest, isn't worth it at all then you go home and just fucking inhale what you bought then feel bad for not only not buying enough but also, not buying at the right time and then you cry but those tears don't flow from your eyes but pour onto your heart making you feel that sinking feeling that just makes you feel like a robot's scrotum.

Collide - MOOG & Erin Renee

Collide (WhiteCityLights Remix) - MOOG & Erin Renee

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