Friday 18 April 2014

All on me.

"Even if we're family, you can never do these kinds of things for free, people will step all over you and then it'll be too late."
- Tony.

I had thought I'd get Good Friday off, it was the main reason why I stayed up so late last night but life has many surprises in store, not just for me, for everyone. I woke up to a call from Steve in the morning, asking me to come into work, it'd only be me, him and Tony. Apparently, we didn't actually finish doing everything we had to last night and today was a catch-up of some kind, you know, to do what we had no time for before. It was nice, spending some time with the big boys, it kinda makes me glad to know they rely on me to that extent, it must've not been easy to take someone away from their public holiday to be somewhere you're supposed to avoid in such occasion, probably wouldn't come easy to anyone but hey, if I didn't rock up, I'd just be sitting here, rotting my Friday away like the douchebag I am. Looking at the phone to see their names as my ringtone goes off gives me a sense of relief.

I didn't work for long, must've been about an hour and a half but it was a relentless hour and a half. Loading up 5 trucks by myself was more tiring than I thought but shit, I was given $50 in cash, cash I initially declined since I had thought this was more of a favor than a job. Got home at 12 and figured I might as well use this money I ended up with by buying lunch for Dante, my random room mate whom I forget exists and myself. Pho tastes so much better when you've worked for it. Also bumped into Tai and Jenny when I gotz me some drank. The activity at Inala on Good Friday would make you think it wasn't Good Friday. We had a short conversation about my nipples and Randy's before we went about our days. I rarely see those dudes but when I do, there's always a bright aura or a good atmosphere and since this is so consistent, it makes me think the longer I don't see them, the better the environment will be when I do, at least, that's my justification for not seeing anyone but my direct family on a daily basis.

Hit the gym with Dante, he followed his program as I just looked in the mirror and decided to do shoulders. I really need to get my shit together, man. Getting to 65 by the end of May at this rate seems like a fairy tale but when I think about it, it doesn't seem impossible. I'm gonna make it and it's going to be the most glorious moment of my life.

All On Me - Case & Point & Gamble & Burke

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