Saturday 12 April 2014


"I'd rather die than live in one of those homes."
- Pete, right after we did a drop for a retirement home at the coast.

Dude, today was one big deja vu-mindfuck. I got paired up with Pete again, doing the Gold Coast/Browns Plains run and we did a complete lap of what we did yesterday, only in a different order. Same suburbs, same route, same conversations, shit, when we stopped at the same 7/11 and bought the exact same shit we did the day before. He had the same bottle, I had the same lunch, he's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers, dreaming about the day when he'd wake up and find that what he's looking for has been here the whole time.

But yeah, Pete is more ambitious than I thought, never thought he was that against becoming so inactive, it must've felt weird to look at a bunch of retired elderly people and knowing you're only an odd 20-30 years shy from becoming what you saw. It was a little sad, too. Pete is as unique as it gets when it comes to 50 year olds and knowing that they're not all condescending, unempathetic people makes me breathe a small sigh of relief, I wouldn't like becoming like that and it's good to see that he doesn't want to either. Never thought I'd see common ground with a dude that's 30 years older than me but I guess there's first for everything. Also got to work with Troy for a bit as well, what a day to be alive! even if all he did was give me shit during the delivery.

Got home and am now preparing myself for one uneventful weekend, these next few days are going to be brutal, in a good way I suppose, everyone needs a little r&r. My mood has been improving, must be all the good doof doof recently. Never get tired of how good music can be, the hardstyle is playing a huge part of my days as of late as well. You should see some of the looks I get when I listen to my iPod at work, man, shit is fucking priceless.

Dimensions - Wave Pressure

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