Wednesday 30 April 2014

Ahead of us.

"It's alright, Kev, we're all beautiful in the dark."
- Jeff

Woke up, got to work an was unexpectedly paired up with Jeff again. It's so weird for the truck to be so... active. When I'm with Pete, there's total silence, other than the rustling of the wind pushing against the truck frame. Not even the radio plays for that particular truck has none so when Jeff started conversation, I was at a total lost as to what to do or how to reply. I just got so used to staying quiet and listening to my iPod that I kinda forgot humans were humans. We talked about a lot of things, so much that my throat started to dry out, I don't think I've spoken to someone for that long in years, it's nice to talk about things that would creep out the average joe and just say whatever comes to mind, in this case, it was him trying to get over the fact that I'm still a virgin :L He was determined to change that, I think he still is, I'm a little bit worried, even I hope that I will one day find love and start a family. You know, reading back on that now, it sounds like he was gonna rape me but I can assure you that wasn't the case, in fact, if anything, I would be the one doing the raping, even if he's like 6ft tall. Work is much more enjoyable when there's something to talk about, not that work should be enjoyable in the first place but hey, I'll take what I can get.

Ever since Dante sold his rapevan, I've come into possession of his GPS, so that means that I can drive for hours on end and still end up at home if I have quarter of a brain but little did I know, Betty's cigarette lighter port has been out of commission for as long as I've known him (or her, whatever tickles you nipples) When I mentioned this to Jeff, he offered to fix 'er up for me and not even 10 minutes later, I got equipped with a working port and a GPS! it even has a green ring of light around it! THINGS ARE LOOKING UP, MATE!

I'm gonna get serious about getting to 65kg now. I thought I could ease myself into this but I clearly can't. I haven't lost a shred of weight, my fat percentage is going down and I'm pretty content with my build but it's a wee bit too late to go back now. All I have to do is get to 65 by the end of May, if that means I have to top my routines with an hour of extra cardio and eat once a day then so be it. I am gonna look so good naked.

Ahead Of Us - Tom Swoon & Lush & Simon

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