Monday 14 April 2014

Take my breathe away.

no one, nothing memorable was said today unfortunately.

I'm kinda glad I decided to have Monday as my day off during the week, think I really needed it this time around. Saw Dante off to work and then went back to sleep, woke up shortly after feeling as bad as I look, which is pretty damn bad. Today was spent recovering from an illness I didn't even know I had a few days ago and now that I know I'm sick, I can't help but be sick. It used to never bother me when I was ill but there's nothing I can do to take my mind off it, I can't really help but sit here and be sick, which sucks since I could be doing things like, playing golf or some shit.

These days off are weird, all I do is sit down and Facebook or Youtube, not much else I can do but since I'm sick, there's not much else I want to do. I pretty much bummed around the house til 6pm, which is about the time Dante comes home and when he did come home, all I did was bum around the house, only this time, I was blessed with his company. Hm, when I put it like that, it seems like a plain and dull day but it was actually quite enjoyable, today was a good day, you know, aside from all the sneezing and dying and whatnot.

Take My Breathe Away - Jacoo & Felicia Santilla

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