Sunday 13 April 2014

How to save a life.

"Ugh, what time is it?"
- Kevin Le

Didn't realize how sleep deprived I was until today. Got into the habit of not staying up, even on nights where I had the day of the morning after. I don't know why but I guess it's just because the mornings are a little too nice to waste, at least, that's what I thought. I didn't wake up til 6pm today, so that's like 18 hours of solid sleep, probably would've woken up a little earlier had my curtains not made my half-asleep state think it was still the evening, damn

I usually dislike days off but this was a very welcomed rest on my part, been feeling crook all day, sneezing n' shit to the point where I'd get light headed, it's good to know that tomorrow will be a day dedicated to recovery, unless the boss calls me in but not even the boss is that much of a dickhead. I'll probably regret telling him to call me whenever he needs the extra hand, he wouldn't do it unless it was a last resort, he's got this ideology that the payroll is one, big happy family which is different for a business, to be honest, it's even different for families but there's nothing I can do when he does, for now, I'll just take it as it comes.

Bummed at mumsies' with Dante as she freaked out about my sickness, you know, as mums do. There's been something different between me and my family ever since I started work, like something is missing. We don't talk as much as we used to and me coming over as often as I can isn't helping as much as I thought it would. Sometimes I think it's just because she doesn't want to make me anymore tired than I already am but I'm a fucking beast, so that can't be it. I also think it might be because there's nothing to talk about, she can't yell at me or tell me to do things because I'm either not there or I'm already doing things so there's nothing to say. The best we get is "Hi" and "Bye" it's sad to think that's all there is to a mother-son relationship but from what I've already seen, maybe that is all there is to a relationship like that. I GOTSTA FIX DIS. IT'S ALL I HAVE RIGHT NOW. NOT GOOD.

How To Save a Life (Husko Remix) -  The Fray

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