Monday 7 April 2014

Best day of my life.

"Sorry for calling you in on your day off again, mate."
- Bossman Steve, like I could say no to the guy that's funding my family :L

Woke up to a phone call from the boss who had just gotten home from a vacation on Thailand, he seemed to be in a good mood which is rare these days. He's a large man so it's hard to tell if he's angry, happy, sad or hungry but most of the time, he just looks tired but then again, I would be too if I my body was 140kg. I was asked to come in since people are not showing up for work, a lot of unreliable people are employed here, don't know why but I guess that's the kind of audience this job attracts. They plan on putting me on recruitment so hopefully, I'll get to change the business' future, for the better of course. Already got some people in mind who would be a valuable asset to us hehehe, if you're keen to be out and about while doing some heavy lifting here and there, give us a holla.

Got paired up with Big Brad to do the Gold Coast run. The truck was filled to the brim with other people's lounges, you'd think they'd have everything they'd need at the coast but you'd think wrong because the amount of shit that goes up there is ridiculous. I bonded a little more with Brad, I was told he was very picky when it came to his partner so I don't know if me bring with him was a good thing or a bad thing but we cracked some jokes here and there, talked about our diet plans while singing along to 70's and 80's music (I only knew like, 3 :L) and then our day ended. Being firm is something I still need to work on, I still ask "is that alright with you" over the phone like they have a choice but the reality is that they don't. I got to see and live the untold side of this story, the world is no where near as accommodating as it's made out to be and if you thought about it even just for a little while, you'd understand why, too bad not many people do, some things are just physically impossible, even for the people who are paid to do the things they're meant to do.

I got nothing but apologies from Steve and even though I tell him not to worry about, he insists that he's giving me a time when it's quite the opposite. I'm glad I got called in today, I don't know what I would've done if I were at home, nothing this productive I'm sure. I wish this routine, anti-social lifestyle never ends.

Best Day Of My Life (Just A Gent Remix) - American Authors

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