Thursday 3 April 2014


"When the boss says "boo!" you gotta jump, mate."
- Josh Cross a.k.a Yoshi/Joshi

Got paired up with Yoshi again today, he was a lot more talkative than last time, started talking about his car and he would tell me about what the area was like during the floods and drought, even though he swears and slurs his speech at every sentence, seems to be a pretty decent guy, only he has a shorter string to yank when it comes to bullshit. I can get used to this, the day went by faster than usual and it's only because I was so caught up in Yoshi's "lets get this shit done and go home" attitude that I didn't fuck around as much as I would if I was with say, Bosch.

I'm still too naive when to comes to customers. "You got to be firm with these people, you can't let them walk all over you or else they expect the world from you." Yoshi would tell me. It's hard to give a strong approach like that to people you've just met for the first time, being my size doesn't help either but I think it's something I pick up along the way. They all seem hopeful that I won't need any more guidance soon, wonder how long it will take though.

I don't get home til around 3-5pm, I usually just pass out on the bed for a few hours until it's time to do stuff but that hasn't been happening lately. Izzy comes over and traps Betty which makes me just want to stay home and then she would suggest something like "let's go to Hungry Jack's!" and before I get the chance to say "no" I'm already at Hungry Jack's drilling a large chocolate sundae I got for $2. This weight loss thing is a lot harder than I remember.

I don't like how posts are just about work and food but there really is nothing else happening at this point. When I had the world to myself, there were a lot of things to think about but now, there's fuck all I think about other than what I'm doing at that very moment. Work does this to me, I'm not sure if it's everyone but it's happening to me and I don't think I like it very much but such is life when you're trying to rid your family of debts you didn't even know they had I suppose. I should just get used to it, it's not going to end any time soon, I imagine.

Extraordinary - Clean Bandit & Sharna Bass

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