Saturday 26 April 2014


"This movie, is so fucking corny."
- Dante Le, whilst watching "Windstruck"

Had a perfect run as far as work was concerned. Was expected to arrive at the last drop at 2pm but we got there, did the drop, assembled the lounges and found the cure to canceraids, went home, took a shit and ate a pie by 12pm. Pretty solid Saturday.

I never know what to do when I get home early. I'm so used to 6pm-8pm finishes due to the last few weeks but now that my hours are actually normal, I don't have a clue as what to do when we're sent home. I showered got in the car and just drove to the first place that came to mind which happened to be the gym, I figured it would be a good time to finish off yesterday's pathetic excuse of a gym session and spent the next 2 hours working on traps and cardio but even when I was done, it was barely 3pm. I must've passed out at some point because I vividly remember Dante singing a familiar tune as he walked in through the living room threshold, coming back from work. He tried hard not to mention the fact that he had work since he always seemed to pride himself being a part-timer, which meant working 3-4 days a week. We rambled on about things I can no longer recall and ended up at the gym yet again. I need another hobby, it's quite depressing to just read and write about work and gym all the time even if they are the activities that take up the majority of my day. I can't imagine what it must feel like to be you, reading this, expecting something and I can't blame you, I'm expecting something else as well, just wish I knew what it was instead of depending on luck that life will bring me something worth recording instead of this mundane lifestyle that has and will take up the content of this blog, unless something detrimental happens, I don't see this changing anytime soon, which is a shame because I don't want that anymore than the next person does.

Dante and I have seemed to hit this "Korean Drama" phase. We'd spend out evenings finding a Korean movie to watch to pass the time, not the best way to spend a night but I don't think any of the things we do are.

Sunburst - Tobu & Itro

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